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Swagger x Fitz
Type: minor stuff
Drafts: 1

This was probably going to be a fun night. Especially with how much Eric had already drank. He had been drinking most of the night, and had only just started to feel the affects when he sat down. His body slowed as he met the comfy seat that had probably been awaiting his arrival since the start.

It took a moment for anybody else to notice but soon cam took his place beside the other, placing his hand on his knee. He'd usually do this whenever Eric was alone, it made him feel a little better about talking. He shifted his body to look Cam directly this time.

"Wanna dip?" Cam asked, careful to meet his dark brown eyes, "We don't have to if you don't-"

"Let's go.. I think I might be a little too far gone..." Eric said, slowly making an attempt to stand, before his tall counterpart began to help him.

"Alright lets go.." he laughed, waving goodbye to everyone and wishing them well. Eric was trying to act as sober as drunk him could. His stumbling and slurred words were enough to throw them off the trail of any sort of sobriety.

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