Drunken Love

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Swaggersouls x Fitz pt. 2
Type: idk messy

Eric woke up, his head thrumming. He couldn't remember much about what exactly had happened last night. He sat up slowly holding his forehead and lightly rubbing his temples. He felt around for his phone, grabbing and opening it. He only had a few messages and notifications from Twitter and texts from Toby. He slowly responded to him and told him he made it safe.

Looking around, Eric remembered somewhat of the last few moments of him being awake. He wondered where exactly Cameron had gone, slowly moving his body to the edge of the bed. He didn't hear much until found some water and took a few chugs, his ears popping almost instantly. He heard some steps in the other room and stood up to go investigate, like the white girl he was.

He realized that Cam was in the kitchen cooking food, not sure if he'd noticed Eric yet. He snuck around and into said kitchen and slowly wrapped his arms around the backside of the taller male, pressing his head into his back, grinning.

"Good morning, Eric," Cameron smiled, his voice a little cracky after not speaking for a while.

"Morning Cam. What ya making me?" He asked letting go and looking at the taller males face, seeing a light shade of red across his cheeks. This caused Eric to chuckle ever so slightly.

Cameron only turned the pan towards the other, showing some scrambled eggs and bacon in separate pans. Both boys were smiling as Eric disappeared into the bedroom and grabbing his phone. He hadn't exactly gotten undressed from last night. And he definitely needed to. He quietly slipped into one of Cameron's hoodies and kept on his own pants, smiling as he looked at the hanging mirror. He kinda felt like a cutie in this gigantic ass hoodie.

He walked out walking, rather waddled, back into the main part of the apartment with a giddy smile across his face.

"Bonjour papa fitzy I need food, a bowl and a high five." He grunted, using a deeper voice as he wandered around begging for attention.

"In a moment, we can't smoke it in here." The taller boy said.

In a few moments they were eating beside each other and laughing about stupid things. Cameron being careful not to bring up last night until they leave to go have a smoke sesh. There was a consistent light blush across each boys face. Their smiles never fading.

Once they were finished, Eric felt much better and once he'd had some more water they left to go get the baked. Cameron brought them to the staircase that lead to the roof, looking down at the smaller boy and motioning to head up. They walked up without much conversation, though letting their thoughts to wonder. It wasn't too far up as Cam was on the tenth floor of twelve.

Once they reached the roof they slowly opened up the entrance and sat down near the ledge. The ledge was tall enough for any wind to just pass over them as they rolled. He didn't have a bong just yet because he would rarely ever use and just didn't want to waste any money. After puffing on the joints they began conversation again.

"Hey uhh.." Cameron began, "What do you remember from last night?"

"N-Not much, just passing out in your bed." Eric said, putting out the roach on his shoe.

"Ahh. Well, if this helps any of your memory," he paused, adding dramatic effect, "You told me that you loved me?"

Eric felt his face heat up, did he actually say that last night? Hell, might as well tell him sober ish now. It'd be easier than lying.

"I don't remember that, really.." he sighed, looking down, "I really did mean that. Take it from a slightly better me."

"Wait, actually?"

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