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The days have been very hard for Calli as she was helping Vince to get Yvonne. She also was exhausted in terms her academics and her emotional health she know nothing what's going on. As days pass by, Vince and Yvonne were getting closer than ever, right now, Calli is helping him with his confession to court her or to be his, she's now designing the venue on where he will confess with a help of few of their friends.


She was brought back to the reality. "Oh, sorry, we're you saying something?"

"Are you okay? I've been calling you for awhile now

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"Are you okay? I've been calling you for awhile now." her friend, Yna Naomi Choi.

"I'm fine, I'm just stressed, you know, in academics and..."


"Vince?" Yna asked that made her surprise. Yna smirked as a reaction. "Thought so."

Calli just sighed and continue her work.

"So, what about Vince?" Yna asked.

"Nothing." she answered with sparing a glance on her.

"I don't think so." Yna said that made her face her.

"Just what's your deal, Yna?" she asked.

"You like Vince do you?" she smirked that made her surprise. "No-scratch that, you love him."

Calli took a deep breath. "Of course I love him, he's my best friend."

Yna shook her head. "I don't think you love him because he's your best friend."

"Whatever you say, Yna."

"Then let me asked you, what do see Vince for?"

"I saw him just like my own brother, or to be exact, my own twin brother. There's no malice in our friendship." Calli shrugged.

"Then why are you helping him now?"

"It's because he begged me do to so."

"Tell me the real reason why you're helping him. I know begging won't be enough, there's still a deeper reason why you decided to."

Calli sighed in her statement, Yna is sure persistent as she looks. "Fine, I want him to be happy, okay?"

Yna smirked in her response. "Then why are stressed about him?"

She fell in silence in her next question. Why is she stress about him?

"He's going to be happy, so you should be too. As his closet and only just girl best friend or his twin sister you should be the happiest, then why are bearing a long a face right now? No, not just now but the moment, he started to court her? No, in the moment he started to get closer to her."

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