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"I'm back!!"

A girl with medium height and blond hair shouted as she made her way out of the airport. She could feel the weird stares from the people around her and chuckles but she could careless after all, after five long years in foreign country, she's finally back to her home.


She turned her attention only to her mom and dad smiling at her. The corners of her eyes started to get hot as she run to them and embraced them like there was no tomorrow, people can't practically blame her after all, she finally reunited with her parents after five years.

"Welcome back!" her mother mumbled.

She could only nodded her head and tried her best to reply, "I'm home."

After few minutes of hugging session, the family broke their hug as her father grab her luggage with the help of her mother as they made their way to their car. In their car, Dia was quiet as well as busy looking at the places they passed by. Only five years have passed and it was again developed in more technological way and without a doubt became more progress than before or any other countries. There were many buildings and infrastructures that wasn't there five years ago made Dia busy as she intently stares at them and admire their own beauty.

Haft an hour passed, they already arrived at their house, Dia hurriedly opened the door and hop off the car as she looks the house where she grow up. Without a word, she dash off inside, it was good thing the code of their door was still the same as five years ago so it wasn't a hassle for her to come in. She looks around the house, it hasn't changed a bit, all things are still there in the place she last saw them. She then went upstairs to her very own room only to see it hasn't changed a bit ever since she left it, all things were still in place. She dives into her bed to experience the fluffiness she missed so much. She played and bounce in it as if she was child, she really missed her room. She then look to her window and suddenly wanted to see the view of their front from about, she stood up and open the curtain of her window only reveal something or someone she didn't really expect to see.

Straightly in her window is a window of the house that is in front of theirs, where she saw a very handsome blond guy, half naked. He wasn't a Korean, and she's pretty sure about it but the thing that really made her land her attention him is that his sharp features and his eyes, that made her realize that the guy is staring at her, she blushed and closed her curtains, prohibiting herself to see the guy. She then sat in the floor, as if she was hiding from the guy even if she knows that he'll never see her. But the thing is, it wasn't the first time she saw the guy, he was familiar to her, she just doesn't remember where and when she met him.

The door of her room opened revealing her dad, carrying her luggage. She immediately stood up and helps him. Her father then said to rest and sleep as he knows that her daughter is tired and will wake her up when it's dinner. Dia nodded as an agreement, her father then kissed her forehead before going out to her room, leaving her daughter to rest.

Dia wasn't in the mood to settle her things so she just sit in her bed, she then remembered the guy she saw in the window half naked. He was really familiar to her, she just doesn't remember where and when she met him, being that said Dia stood up again to take a peak to the window in attempt to see the guy again but he wasn't there anymore. She just opened her curtains to welcome the wind and lie to her bed and feel asleep.

She was wake up when someone knock her door. Her mother then comes in, telling her to get ready for dinner before going out. Dia went to her own bathroom to wash her face and change her clothes to more comfortable ones before going out of her room. As she made her way downstairs, she heard a conversation of her mother to another voice of a middle age woman. She carefully made her way to the kitchen, where the voice came from and takes a peak only to see middle age woman and the guy she saw half naked, awhile ago.


She shrieked by the sudden voice that came her dad who was standing behind her the whole time.

"What are you doing? Let's go join them." her dad said and entered the dining room gathering the attention of her mom, the other middle aged woman and the guy, she followed her dad quietly but she can feel the stare of the guy.

"There you are, we've been waiting for you guys." her mom said, she looks at the middle aged woman wherein she earned a sweet smile, she then looks to guy who is still staring at her intently causing her to divert her attention to someone else.

"Anyway, this my daughter, Diantha Hershey Kim, just call her Dia." her mother introduced that made her bow to the two visitors in front of her.

"I can't believe you're one beautiful young lady, nice to meet you!" the middle aged woman said and offered her hand for a handshake, which she didn't hesitate to accept. "By the way, this is my son..."

Her stare then landed on the guy she saw half naked awhile ago. "Vladimir Chwe, just call his Vlad, he's in the same age as you."

"N-nice to meet you..." she said as she offered her hand for a handshake, she waited few minutes first before he accepted her offer that made her mentally sighed, she thought she'll get embarrassed again.

"Nice to meet you too." the guy said as they shake hands.

It was awkward, and she knows that the elders noticed it as well, she's not good handling boys back then so it was only natural for her parents to see her like that with a boy but the fact that she saw the boy half naked, really made it worst and can never bring herself to tell her parents about what happened.

So after that awkward meeting of the two - good thing their parents didn't asked about the awkward atmosphere around them - all of them seated and started to have dinner.

"So, Dia..." Vlad's mother called. "What will you do now?"

"For now, I'm going to find a job like what I have when I was an intern in abroad." Dia answered.

"Did you already found one?"

"I actually found a lot, I have a friend that has the same course that I took when we were in college, so practically we can have the same jobs, the company he currently works at are offering jobs so, I decided to give it a try, if I don't get in, that friend of mine has list of companies that are currently offering jobs."

"That's one good friend of yours." Dia smiled at her brightest upon hearing those words, because it was him.

"Mom," Vlad called his mother and whispered something to her. His mother then nodded and Vlad, stood up. "Excuse me; I have somewhere else I need to go."

He then bowed at them before making his way out of the house.

"Where is he going?" Dia's mom asked.

"He got a text message from someone, who really needs him right now." Vlad's mother answered.

"Who is it?" Dia's dad asked.

Vlad's mother sighed and looked directly to Dia's eyes before answering the question.

"His girlfriend,"


[ ~ JaeJiLei ]

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