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"I still don't get it."

A girl with short hair closed her laptop and rubs her eyes as it starts to hurt, but it was always been the same thing and she will never learn. After a friend of hers becomes someone she didn't thought he would, made her interested in the thing called: love. Just how can it be powerful to make someone change into someone people doesn't thing he/she would?

That's when she started to read love stories and watch romantic movies in the night before and during her day offs except for the night she will to go her work, first thing in the morning. She doesn't want to get late that's why she never did but it was never enough for her to make her feel nor understand love. She needs someone to make her feels what truly is love. But the real problem lies in this part, Juliana Yumi Yoo is a very boyish girl; she's more of a boy than a girl that's why no boy dares to be with her. And not to brag but it's not really about bragging but she never got a boyfriend ever since she was born, in short she's NBSB.

She snapped in her thoughts when she heard someone knocked in her door. She immediately stood up and made her way to her door to open it only to see her landlady with a beautiful boy behind her.

"Good morning, Lian." her landlady greeted.

"Good morning ma'am, what brings you here?" she asked.

"I'm here to introduce to you your new roommate. Nathan meet Juliana Yumi Yoo, just call her Lian, she will be your dorm mate, Lian meet Jonathan Henry Yoon, Nathan for short, your new roommate." the landlady introduced but Lian didn't do anything but to give a judging look to the boy.

"Lian..." her landlady warned.

She knows perfectly how the girl thinks, since she's been in her care ever since she started to study in the nearest university in their place, now that she's working, she's still in her care.

"I'm sorry ma'am but I don't have any trust when it comes to guys." she said bluntly.

The landlady sighed and she saw the guy rolled his eyes.

"Don't not worry I'm not that kind of low class guy you think of." the guy said.

"Oh really, Sorry to tell you but most of the guys you and I think right now are clearly your class."

"Lian..." the landlady warned again but she didn't care as she only rolled her eyes to the boy making the landlady sighed." Sorry about her, but please bare with her. I assure you that she's not like any other girls."

"I can see..." the guy said.

"Anyway, I already told you the dorm rules but let Lian here, tell you the room rules." the landlady said. "I still have things to do so, Lian please tell him about it. See you guys later."

And before they know it, the landlady already left, leaving the two behind.

Lian sighed and looks at her new roommate.

"Come in." she said as leads the way. Nathan followed her. "Close the door."

Nathan rolled his eyes first before doing what she said.

"So the landlady told me that you already know the dorm rules." Lian said.

"Yes, she told me about it—"

"Enumerate it."

Nathan scoffed in disbelief. "I'm allowed to bring my friends here but I'm not allowed to have a drinking contest in here—"

"Of course, this isn't a bar anyway, next rule!"

Nathan rolled his eyes. "I'm not allowed to create loud noises especially after 9:00 pm to 8:00 am—"

"Many people are still sleeping in that time so it's obviously prohibited, and the last rule."

Nathan, again, scoffed and smirked in disbelief. "I'm allowed to bring my girlfriend here, but if I only tend to make out with her, then—"

"It's totally prohibited, this is not a hotel, as you can see." for the fourth time, she cut him off and he's full.

"Can you not cut me?" Nathan asked.

"I'm sorry but I can't." Lian immediately answered. "Now for the room rules, the three rules you said are the first three, I add some few rules for this room's sake. Starting with the fourth rule, always make sure the room is clean and neat, and all things are properly arranged. As you can see, the room is very neat and clean and all things are properly arranged. Fifth, buy your own ingredients, cook your own food, wash your own dishes and make sure you return all the utensils you used in their proper places. Sixth, your things, make sure they are properly arranged to one person point of view because if not, I'll throw that in the trash bin. Speaking about trash bin, there are three more unoccupied trash bins there, you can use the three of them, why three? Because you need to segregate it, separate the biodegradable to non-biodegradable to the trash that can still be recycled like plastics and such, every Saturday, the garage truck always get them. And last but not the least, and the most crucial rule of all is my things, you are not allowed to use my things nor enter my room without any of my permission. My things are all properly arranged and organized, even my things in the bathroom. There are zip bags in that cabinet; you can use them to make sure that your things won't be lingering around the room. And oh, one more thing, I'm sure the landlady give you a spare of key, make sure to have that all time or if you get out in the night because I won't be opening the door for you, especially when it's already passed 10:00 pm, any questions?"

Nathan shook his head.

"Good, now you can settle in. Your room is the one in the right, mine's the one in the left, I know I've already said this but I'll say it once again, you're not allowed to use my things and enter my room without my permission. I'm not going to use your own nor enter your room either, just make sure that your things are properly arranged or else I'll really throw it in the trash bin, you can also throw my things in the trash bin if you found them lingering around the room by the way, does that sounds even?"

"Pretty much," Nathan said.

"Good, now if you'll excuse me, don't interrupt me." Lian said and made her way to her room.

She immediately closes the door and locked it, she really doesn't trust the guy yet so she have to prevent anything bad he will possibly do to her. But even so, she's still intrigued on how her life will be with her new roommate, Jonathan Henry or simply, Nathan Yoon.


[ ~ JaeJiLei ]

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