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"The posture is good but you're lacking of feelings!" the cameraman shouted. "You need to show more feelings."

Yresse could only nod in his sentence but she can't do anything, her mind was blank and no ideas come to her mind.

"Make your expression fiercer!" the cameraman shouted again but then again, her mind was blank. She tried a pose but made the cameraman irritated. "Okay, stop!"

He shouted and went to her. "What's wrong with Yresse? You weren't this when we first held a photo shoot before."

"I'm sorry, I just...just...don't know how to."

"I'll give you time to find your own style until after lunch, if you still haven't find it, I'm sorry but I'll withdraw my request. This is Twoteen magazine, you should remember that." the cameraman said and walks out.

Yresse immediately walk out and went out of the building wherein she cried silently. It was the photo shoot of Twoteen magazine and she can't believe that she's really messing it up. She was fine last night before she slept but when she woke up, she received a message from her auntie that her mom is sick and is currently bedridden in the hospital. Her manager said that she should visit her mother and decline the offer since there was still time but she chose to stay and attend the photo shoot. Her mom was also a fan of Twoteen magazine and she was the happiest when she told her last night that she will be the soon cover model of the magazine, she said that she will be waiting that's why she was more motivated to do the job but then she received a call from her auntie this morning stating her mother's condition. She wanted badly go to her and be by her side but she promised her mother to be the cover model of the magazine. Right now, guilt is eating her up and she can't even do her job properly, and worst she can't do anything right but to cry and feel hopeless.


She looks up to see Maui handling over a handkerchief. She doesn't know why she rejected the handkerchief but engulfed him with a hug instead. She badly needs someone to rely on right now, good thing Maui didn't push her and hug her back instead. As she felt comfort in his touch, she buried her face in his chest and let out everything, her anger, suffering, pain and guilt while Maui in the other hand just let her be and caress her hair, he doesn't care if she wets his coat.

After few minutes, Yresse calm down and broke the hug.

"Feeling better?" Maui asked with a smile, which she can only reply with nodded. "Good, let's eat then, I brought us lunch together."

Before she could even complain, Maui handed over a takeout lunch for her. "Here, let's eat."

She subconsciously took it making Maui smile. The two seats side by side and took their lunch quietly, it was an awkward situation for Yresse since she was having her lunch with her adored senior. As they eat, Yresse can't hide in her face the deliciousness of the food they are currently eating.

"It's delicious, right?" Maui asked whom she didn't know who was staring at her but Yresse shrugged that fact as she nodded with a smile. "Glad you like it, this is also my favorite food."

"Umh...how much is my share?" she asked since she was still uncomfortable with that fact that he bought her lunch, she has to pay for it.

Maui shook his head. "No need, this one is on me."


"No buts, take it as a treat from me, after all it's the first time we work together." Maui said wherein she can only nod. "Besides, I don't know your share since I made this myself, this is my homemade cooking."

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