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Calli tried her best to laugh it out. Ignoring her bleeding heart, clearly shouting it's pain, she could feel the hotness in the corners of her eyes but like always, she tried her best to make it like it was nothing for her. She wanted to slap him, to shout at him and to curse him so much because for the nth time, she fell again in his tricks but is it really his fault? It's hers, for being swayed by his words.

"T-That was great!...nice lines!" she said.

Vince smiled at her. "Really? Thanks, by the way, is the venue okay?"

Calli nodded her. "Yes, the only thing that is left is the gift."

"That's great then! So can you help me tomorrow to pick up a present to her?" Vince asked.

"S-Sure......what time?"

"After dismissal."

"Okay, I'll wait for you in the gate."

Vince then hug her. "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, Calli! You're trully my one and only best friend for life!"

Calli returned his hug. It was the best comfort she ever felt, his touch the was softest and warmest touch she ever felt.

"How I wish to stop the time right now."

After that, the two break apart, Vince walk her home, which she pondered but in the end she just let him. As they walk back to their house were the times he spend with Yvonne, how he have fun and enjoyed her company, Calli really wanted to block her ears to stop herself from hearing those things that makes her heart bleed and create a huge burden in her chest but instead, she just did her best to ignore his stories and act as if she was listening to him. After few minutes, they finally reach her house.

"Oh, we're he—"

"Goodnight, see you tomorrow." Calli cut him off and immediately entered her house without looking back at him.

"Welcome back, Calli!" her mother greeted. "Right on time for dinner, wash up and let's eat."

"You guys go, I'm not hungry." Calli said and immediately went upstairs to her room and lock herself inside.

That's when she started crying and let all the pain out. She dives into her bed and burried her face in her pillows and shout to minimize her voice. It was so painful, really painful for her, really. Words can't describe her pain right now and she wants nothing but to erase all of them, the pain and the suffering or just her feelings for him. She can't believe that Yna was right, she was in love with him, not as someone as she see as a twin brother but as a man, she was just blinded by the assumption that she really see him as a twin brother and not anything else, but it was half true for her though.

Vince had girlfriends way back when they were high school, but she never felt anything like this before, she feel nothing towards his intimate relationship with someone else, she wasn't feeling happy nor sad, it was nothing for her and now, she can't believe that she's crying because of the thing she see as nothing way back then.

She cried and cried until there were no tears left to cry and that's when she realized that she fell asleep already.

She wake up in her own, she lazily went to her bathroom only to see her face swollen, her eyes were red and puffy, it was really evident that she was crying the whole night. She took a bath, changed her clothes and put make up to cover up her eyes and eye bags. After that she took bag and her phone who was charging and made her way downstairs to eat. The truth is that she really doesn't want to go to school day but force herself to be with Vince since she promised him that they will pick a gift for Yvonne for his upcoming confession which is likely to happen later or tomorrow.

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