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Dia was shocked in his words.

"What are you—"

"Go home, it's already late." Vlad said and started to walk away from her, in the opposite direction of their houses.

"Wait! How about your—and his gone." Dia said and look to his jacket which he used as cover for her. Also remembering the bracelet in the morning, that it was also his.

"Guess it's better to return this to their house."

And so Dia made her way her house but before she went to her house, she first went to Vlad's house to return his stuffs.

"Oh, good evening Dia, what brings you here?" Vlad's mom said after she rang their doorbell.

"Good evening ma'am, I'm here to return this." she said and hand over Vlad's jacket and bracelet. "It's Vlad's jacket and bracelet. I got his bracelet when we were in the bus this morning, since we rode the same bus with my best friend, him and my best friend has the same bus stop while mine is still the one after them. I know it's his because I saw him wearing this when we first met. And as for the jacket, Vlad lend me a jacket."

"Can I asked why?"

She looks at her shyly. "Well, I was really tired and want to go home as soon as possible so I took the short cut but I forgot that every night, drinking and gambling people are there. Good thing Vlad helped me get through and used this jacket to cover me. He left me sometime after that and I think he forget that I have his jacket."

His mom first fell in silence before giving her a smile and took the jacket and the bracelet. "Thank you so such for returning it, good night."

"You're always welcome ma'am, good night." she bid goodbye and went to her house.

She ate and went to her room to take a bath, after taking a bath, she put on her sleeping pajamas and dives into her bed. She closed her eyes and want to get some sleep but for some reasons she isn't feeling drowsiness. She then decided to look through her windows, to see outside.

It seems that Vlad wasn't home yet since his room is still dark and that's a good thing for her...or not.

She look around only to see metal ladders just beside her window, that gave her an idea to climbed to the roof. Good thing no one passes by or she will surely be in big trouble. Upon ascending into the roof, she saw one familiar place to her.

It is a beautiful night scenery of the city, tall buildings and beaming lights where visible and it was beautiful yet also familiar. Maybe because it was one of the fragments of her memory that has been erased. But why does she feel like there someone that must occupy the space beside her? That everytime she turn her head, she will saw someone that will...she don't know...make her smile? Or something like that, she just shrugged the feelings and enjoyed the scenery.

"It is shining brightly but your smile is the brightest thing I've even seen, it so bright that even other stars such as the sun and others can't compete."

Dia closed her eyes and smiled as she hear the voice that just rang her ears. It was again the voice she's been hearing it everytime, signaling her that's she have done this already.

When she was contented, she decided to went back to her room only to be stop when she saw Vlad walking towards his house wherein his mother was waiting for him outside. She decided that she won't go down instead let the talk first since she'll surely interrupt them beside if Vlad's mother were to see her up there, she might get herself in trouble so she hid herself and refrain herself from making any noise.

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