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dedication: prettyhemmings - because her books are just life. 

Sam's POV

After ordering my free food, courtesy to Calum, we went to our usual table. Far behind where no one can see us. We just want to be at peace.

We sat at our table and began eating silently. I got a beefy burger with lots of cheese in it, two brownies and a diet coke. It's a lot to take in, I know. But I have this strange powerful metabolism who does wonders of work. When I eat, food turns into those chemicals before they could even distribute fats throughout my body. That's why I never get fat.

I don't know if I should be sad or happy about it.

Calum on the other hand was eating his salad. He said he wanted to get fit and all, which I scoff at because he is a 'beautiful beast', as girls would say it. If I was not here, eating lunch with him, I'd be at the far corner staring at him creepily. Let's be honest, Calum's hot. But he's not my type, nor will he ever be. You're opinion changes when you've seen the true colors of a person, and I've already witnessed his.

And let me tell you this, its not what you expect he was. You think he was this badass punk rock dude, but on the inside he's just a stupid dork. Being badass is so not his forte.

"Water you thinking about?" He said after drinking water, grinning at his own pun. See? Stupid dork. Who is also sassy. Never forget sassy.

"Did you get it?-" He laughed. "I was drinking water and- and- I said 'Water you thinking about' and-" He said, clearly having a hard time cause he'd laugh every other word.  I gave him a plain look and he immediately stops.

"Damn Sam. I was just making a joke and all you ever do is- Wait." He abruptly stops in whatever he was talking about.  I shot him a confused look, when his face broke into a grin. "I just made a rhyme! Damn Sam. Man, I bet our english teacher would be proud of me, because you know I suck at english. I wish she was here right now to witness all of this." He blabbered in a very excited tone.

I, on the other hand was listening to him blabber, and silently praying for Calum's own well being. May god bless this man.

× × ×

Me and Calum have science together. It was our second to the last 50 minutes of doom. Thank God it was Thursday. It just feels like christmas eve when you anticipate for the next day to come, which is more or less, Christmas. Or friday. The point is tomorrow's friday. Man, I suck at comparing shit.

We still have 25 minutes left, and I'm so relieved that me and Calum are seated right at the back. He listens intently, you can tell just by looking at his face. I wanted to laugh at his curious face, eyebrows meeting, nodding to every word Mrs. Troye said. He doesnt really do well in class, but in science its different. Mrs. Troye is one sexy woman. She has this long brunette hair, has the curves, and is very beautiful. Every boy just wants to fuck her right at her desk. It was a shame though that she was married and has kids.

It was quite a sight actually. You dont see Calum eyefucking a hot momma everyday.

I try to cooperate with the class now since I've got nothing else to do.

"Man, I bet Mrs. Troye would be a good fuck." I hear a dude say right infront of me. I groaned. Hormonal teenagers.

I heard Calum agree quietly, and I gave him a disgusting look.

"What?" He gave me a questioning look.


"What?" He asked again.

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