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dedication: Larry_Lashton because her lashton (& larry) books make me cry and makes me ship them even more. she's so goddamn gorgeous don't even look at her

Sam's POV 

I woke up, thankful that I managed to walk myself home drunkenly. I don't have a hangover too, so thank the heavens. I know damn well where Calum ended–right into Kayla's pussy. And as for Michael, I don't know where that kitten landed off to. I hope he's okay though.

It was a good thing my dream didn't take action.

I was a dangled mess on my bed. I wasn't even sure if I locked the house last night. I took out my phone from my bra and look what time it was. It was noon already.

I groaned as I get up, stretching my limbs out. My dress was still on me, which smelled horrible. I crinkled my nose as I went to my bathroom, not giving a care at my garbage looking bedroom. I stripped from my skirt, dropping it when I saw puke stains on it. How drunk was I last night?

I picked the skirt up, using my thumb and forefinger and carried it all the way to the washing machine. I hope nothing happens to it, I happened to grow fond of that skirt.

I go back to the bathroom, enthusiastic at the thought of scrubbing myself away from the horrid smell.

As I was applying shampoo onto my hair, my phone rang from my bedroom. I let it ring, obviously I can't go out whils't I was in the middle of showering. After cleansing all the soap from my body, I did my shaving business and got out of the bathroom. My phone rang again, just as I was opening my bathroom door. I got it and quickly accepted the call.

"Hello?" I said as I settled the phone in between my ear and shoulder, whilst I put my undies on.

"Sam Davis! Finally!" Someone hollered in my ear. I finished dressing up so I held my phone this time.

"Yes?" I asked irritated.

"Where have you been?" 

"Who's this?" 

"Ashton Irwin" He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Why'd you call?" I said as I chewed on my lip, arranging my room for a bit. Oh my god. Did the dream actually happened? Please let it be wrong.

"Its noon." He pointed out.

"I know. I have a clock here." I retorted.

"Well, aren't you going here yet? The whole gang's here." He said imaptiently.

"Should I be somewhere?" I asked, not really remembering.

"Well yea. Remember our little bet last night?"

"What are you talking about–" I said but stopped abruptly.


I went out the kitchen after kissing him. I stumbled upon a lot of people because I can't walk straightly. I continued walking until someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned to look immediately, making my head pound from the sudden action. I saw Ashton, wrapping his arm on some girl's waist.

"Hey Sam." Ashton grinned. I gave him a confused look.

"Oh, uh Nicole, this is Sam, a schoolmate." He motioned for me. "Sam, Nicole." He said. I gave her a small smile.

"So where's Calum?" He asked, confused to as to why I was alone.

"Probably fucking Kayla." I answered truthfully. We were having a decent–well kind of–conversation until someone shouted 'Truth or Dare! Who's up for it?', which resulted to alot of people woot-wooting. Seeing as there was nothing much to do, I decided to join. The event took place in the goddamn huge living room. I dont know where I was sat, but I was pretty sure that blondie was just in front of me. I felt him staring at me all the time.

"Okay! So who's first?" A dude hollered.

"Me!" Chloe said. She scanned around the huddles crowd until our eyes met, as she smirked. Now I wish I never joined. I didn't even see her here.

"Sam Davis. Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." I answered confidently. Not really, I may kind of grimaced.

"I dare you to strip for us. Right here. Right now." She said. I widen my eyes as I felt my cheeks redden. I look up to blondie, gnawing on his lip ring in anticipation. I slowly stand up as everyone's eyes were on me.

"Bet you 50 bucks she's not gonna do it." Ashton 'whispered'. Man he should really work on his whispering skills. Everyone heard him loud and clear. I glared at him, and me being my drunken self absentmindedly talked.

"Bet you a hundred bucks I can strip." I said. He smirked.

"Okay. Bet you a hundred and fifty bucks that you can't strip in starbucks tomorrow noon." He said.


"Get ready with your cash Davis."

-end of flashback- 

"Please let me out of this bet!" I panicked.

"Okay. Meet me then, bring your cash."

"Cash? I don't have cash!"

"Then you'll have to strip."

+ + +

I can't believe that I'm going to do this. I was now walking to Starbucks, a 30 minute walk since I don't have a car. I walked furthermore, and indeed, the whole gang was there. And by gang I meant the whole party. They were literally crowding. 

Maybe I could still escepe. I turned around, but somewhat someone saw me.

"Davis!" A certain voice said. I turned around to see Calum.

"How could you?!" I yelled.

"Its fun! Now come on!" He ushered me, and I reluctantly followed. Everybody hollered and crowded me, yet still gave me space. I looked around, scanning for blondie's face. Dissapointed not seeing him, I slowly lift up the hem of my shirt and tugged it out of me.

Thank God I wore my black lace bra.

"Is this enough?" I asked shyly.

"Take off your shorts!" Calum shouted. I sent him a glare. Everybody ushered me to do so, so I did it. Everybody took pictures and videos.

This'll be a great thing for my reputation, I sarcastically thought.

I looked around at everyone, until my eyes locked with him. He was in the far corner, eyeing me up and down as he chewed on his lip ring. I blushed.

Oh god. What have I gotten myself into?


short chapter but i updated love you all!

dont forget to vooooote

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