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dedication: ohemmo bc her bOOKS IT KILLS ME

my friends fucking forced me to fucking update bc they want  luke to come in already and cANT YOU JUST WAIT oh and ily ♥ [u kno who u r]

k enjoy

Sam's POV

Today's Saturday. I should be spending this day in the house, locking my room and stalk bands while stuffing my face with junk food.

But no. Calum had to fucking drag me to his and Kayla's date. It was their first date, after 2 successful weeks of their relationship. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with them being in love and all, but sometimes it's fucking annoying that Calum would always bug me about their problems.

And because I love that dude, I help him. I'm just really that good of a friend.

Kayla and I are good friends also. We're different- she's girlier than me -but other than that, we're on good terms. She admitted to me once that she was afraid that I might go steal her partner, and I laughed at her face. Of course I told her no, but she was still 10% adamant.

So now, I'm in a cafe, miles away from my home. Kayla doesn't know that I was thirdweeling her date secretly. I helped Calum organize this date. He even gave me details.

likes sweets
likes surprises
likes chocolates
favorite show: spongebob 
likes bands
likes cute cafes
likes frozen
dislikes horror shit

And the list goes on. It's kinda cute that he really pays attention to whatever she says, even though its all about pointless shit -as I would like to call it- but he would shush me.

So, together we searched for cute cafes with sweets and chocolates, resulted miles away from our hometown. This was a surprise date, and Calum did a good job surprising her.


"Are you sure about this?" Calum asked for the hundredth time.

"Shut the fuck up would you? Do you want to go out with her or nah?" I asked annoyingly.

We were currently in his car, on our way to Trinity High, one of the prestigous schools here. It's where Kayla goes to to learn, as Calum would put it.


He was planning to surprise Kayla, and ask her out for a date tomorrow, and he asked for my help. To say the least, I planned the whole thing. I just hope that it will turn out successful. *fingers crossed*

We arrive at the campus not more than five minutes later. He held the box contained with cupcakes and the rose he hid behind him, as he texted his friend to indirectly tell Kayla to come outside.

The plan was to give her 4 cupcakes, with different frostings on it. The first one was huge, with the 'will you go out with me?' words frosted all over it. The second one was beside the first cupcake, with a picture of him and her printed on that cake edibly. The third one has a 'no' frosted in it, and the fourth one has a 'yes' on it. 

Calum really put alot of effort into this, so if Kayla picks the 'yes' cupcake, its all good. But if she chooses the 'no' cupcake, then screw her.

"She's coming! She's coming!" Calum literally shouted. I looked outside and see Kayla walking outside. I widened my eyes and looked at Calum, who gave me a nervous look.

"Just go for it." I calmly said to him, and he nodded once.

Once he left his car, everything went fucked up.

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