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a/n: before you read, i just want to inform you guys that i am very inexperienced in writing detailed intimate scenes, short for smut, so im sorry if doesn't make any sense at all because my logic about smut = nonsense.

im fairly innocent, so i dont know much stuff.

dedication: shamelesslashton bc i love your books so damn much <3 

Luke's POV 

Viola latched her hand with mine as walked towards the elevator of the building of my apartment. Wewere talking at the bar, and decided to hang in my place.  I really didn't know what I was thinking when I drove her here, since she was just a one night thing and I should have forgotten her already. But this time, it was the other way around.

The elevators door opened, and me and Viola entered without hesitation. I pressed the designated button, and we waited for the doors to close. Our hands were still intact, so I grabbed my phone from my pocket with my left hand, which was a hard thing to do because my phone was placed in my right pocket. When I finally reached it, I breathe in a sigh of relief since the ride's gonna take for awhile and I was dying of boredom.

Viola looked at her nails––which was a common thing for women, I think. She acted annoyed and nervous at the same time. It was evident in her face, constantly showing crinkles and frowning alot. I started to sway our intertwined hands to ease herself, and it seemes to work because the pressure was leaving her tense aura not too long ago. She gave me a smile, and I returned it, not sure if it was genuine.

The elevators opened, and we stepped outside. If you would look at us, you would think we were this happy go lucky couple––which I wouldn't mind because I'd get mistakened alot by a bunch of people. I really don't seem to mind at all. 

We walked nonchalantly until we reached my apartment, fishing out my keys from my pocket and unlocking the door to my flat. It was not something to be proud of, but I was still thankful that I had a decent place to live in.

She entered first, gawking in awe while I just mindlessly toss my keys at the doorside table, making myself comfortable by jumping on my couch.

"Need anything?" I asked as she walked around. She nodded.

"Would you mind bringing me water?" She asked shyly, which was a huge surprise to me, seeing as she was confident when we fucked––real hard, but I won't go over the details––and now she's acting all too girly and shy around me.

"Are you sure you're Viola?" I chuckled.

"Yes." She rolled her eyes at me, as I stood up and went to the kitchen. She reluctantly followed, eyeing my every move as if I was going to spike her drink. I gave her a glass of water, which she was thankful for.

"So you live here?" She asked.

"No shit sherlock." I said as I walked to my bedroom, taking off my clothes, even though I was aware that her full attention was on me. I was left with my boxers, turing around and purposely flexing my biceps. It took her merely 30 seconds to comprehend, before I felt little arms around my waist and a kiss on my back.

"Stop teasing me you jerk." She said––more like snapped, but whatever. She immediately turned me around by my shoulders and gripped on my neckm pulling me closer, letting our lips brush. I tried to kiss her but she pulled away, smirking triumphantly.

"Not so fun being teased, are we?" She said smugly then walked away leaving me flabbergasted. I soon followed her path with a smirk on my face, pulling her arms toward me making her face me.

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