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dedication: ashbill_n cause she was the first one to add my story in her reading list aSDFGHJKL

Sam's POV  

As I heard those two words, I immediately refused. Wouldn't want to spend my free night over a party who is hosted by one of my arch nemesis.

"Why the hell not? This would be fun!" Calum pouted.

"I don't want spending my night at the territory of that doomfaced drummer!" I exasperated. The boys gave me odd looks and I just flicked them off.

"You know Ashton the Drummer?" Michael asked.

"No. Actually, I know Ashton the fucking dick who threw a paper at me and tried to hit on me every chance he gets and is a huge dickhead." I said bitterly.

"No need to be so negative." Calum said nonchalantly. I shot him daggers through my glares.

"Why do you hate him anyway?" Michael asked as he walked down and ordered his own food, as I get food for me as well. Calum maintains his diet, as always, as he picks a bowl of nutritious junk.

"I think my description of him was self explenetory." I said, somewhat calm. Food always makes me calm. We order our food and take a seat at random tables and start stuffing our face.

"C'mon. You won't see him anyway. There's probably alot of people there." Calum pleaded.

"Yea. You know you won't want to miss it. His parties are totally da bomb." Michael said as he was chewing his food, so his mouth was probably full of chewed meat. I gave him a disgusting look and he just shrugged.

"If his parties were 'da bomb'," I trailed as I swallowed my food. "Why haven't I heard of it?" I perked an eyebrow.

"Cause it's for juniors and seniors. Sophomores and freshmen usually know nothing about it." Calum said as he ate a spoonful of a leafy vegetable. I gave him an odd look.

"I thought you've never been to one?" 

"I haven't. But my friend Shannon -she's in another school now- totally got wasted there and by the looks of it, she actually had fun. And she recommended it to me once." Calum said. I just stared at him, and so is Michael, as Calum was staring off to space.

"So why not?" Calum said as he broke his chain of thoughts. I thought for awhile. I mean, I am not having any plans. So, why the heck not?

"The heck with it. I'm coming." I muttered.

"Yes!" Michael shouted.

"The art of bribery." Calum smirked. I raised an eyebrow at him. "The Shannon story wan't even real." He chuckled. I was about to speak when he raised a hand infront of me. "You already said it. There's no turning back." He said.

× × ×

I entered the school halls, noticing that everyone's eyes were on me. I shot them dirty looks and they all looked away. I was walking past some girls when someone muttered a 'whore'. I look up to her and see the one and only Chloe.

"Uh, may I help you bitch?" I said annoyingly.

"Yes. Would you mind explaining why your nudes are all over the internet?" She spit out disgustingly.

I chuckled humorlessly. "Nice one. Better luck next time." I said as she rolled her eyes and walked away. 

I continued walking, finding my way through the crowd when I spotted Michael. I grinned as I approached him. His back was facing me, so I tapped him on the shoulder and he instantly turned around.

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