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dedication: moaningluke bc bae

Sam's POV

Today's Friday. Finally.

I entered the school halls tiringly as I approach my locker. I unlocked it and get my books and folders. I slammed it back after getting my things and instantly  drop my books to the ground when I see a guy leaning on the locker beside mine. I eyed him head to toe and backed away. He had this curly brown hair swept to the side of his forehead, and brown eyes, staring right through mine. I gave him a confused look as he smirked at me.

"Can I help you?" I blurted annoyingly.

"I don't know, can you?" He said cockily. I rolled my eyes.

"I don't have time for this," I muttered as I walked past him, but he immediately blocked my way, towering over my petite figure. I took one step backwards and gave him a glare, to which he chuckled at. He crossed his arms as he lick his lips and leaned onto the locker again.

"You must be the infamous Sam Davis." He wandered aloud as he eyed me up and down. Now most girls would be blushing if a hot boy would eyes them- not me.

I perked an eyebrow up. I was about to ask him on how he knew my name when I start to familiarize his face. I knew I have seen him somewhere...

And then it hit me.

"And you're the drummer who tossed me the crumpled paper, am I right?" I questioned him. His cocky smirk instatly dropped, and a guilty expression replaced it.

"Yea, about that..." He trailed as he rubbed the back of his neck. "You did sound like you were having sexual intercourse, with the gasping and giggles and-"

"I get it." I deadpanned with a blank face. "Fangirl life is hard, okay?" I muttered as he nodded. Awkward silence filled the air.

"How'd you know that I was a drummer?" He asked in curiosity. 

"I think the drum sticks gave you away." I said. He nodded once again.

"I'm Ashton by the way, Ashton Irwin." He said as he offered his hand for a handshake whilst I just looked at it, whether to shake it or not. I decided to not, turning to look at him.

"Yeah, like that piece  of information's gonna win me All Time Low tickets." I said matter-of-factly as he retrieved his hand back. 

"I didn't know you're feisty?" He said as his cocky smirk found the way to his obnoxious face. He is quite handsome though.

"I didn't know you're a jerk." I said with an eyeroll, as I walked away, but Ashton blocked my way, yet again.

"How about we go ditch classes today, and-"

"As if." I cut him off and walked away.

× × ×

Mrs. Troye was talking aboutskeletal shit while I was silently texting Calum. He's not gonna be in school for another twenty minutes because apparently him and Kayla had one of those nights.

from: cal-pal;
           i'll be there in 20 minutes

to: cal-pal;
      you better be you prick

from: cal-pal;
            no need to be so angry

I scoffed at his last text message, louder than I intended it to be. The whole class was looking at me.

"Is there a problem, Ms. Davis?" Mrs. Troye asked annoyingly. I shook my head no, as I shrink into my seat. I feel like a twat whenever I'm not around Calum. Mrs. Troye continued with her class as I breathed out a sigh of relief.

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