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i feel so bad for leaving you guys but hey here i am now because christmas break ya'll 

thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou for 497 reads (what?!) and 69 votes (heh) i love you guys so much x

here's a really really really short update but i might double update or update tomorrow // kerword: might c:

dedicated to Here_Is_Kristine because she is an awesome girl <3

Sam's POV 

I groaned as I got up, hearing banging noises from my door. Trudging my way there, I ran my fingers through my hair which seemed impossible cause it was tangled into knots. Opening the door, I saw my mum there, looking at me blankly.

"May I help you?" I sneered rudely. No one beckons to disturb my dear beauty sleep.

"Here's 50 bucks, buy these things and be back in an hour." She said sternly, leaving, but not before handing me the cas and a list of things to buy.

"Why me?" I groaned out in frustration.

"Because Jenna and Jake are sleeping." She says in a demeaning expression.

"And what makes you think I wasn't?"

"Just do it before I smack you there." She snapped and left me. I rolled my eyes as I went to wear my vans and wearing my large ATL hoodie, matching my black pajama shorts. Grabbing a clip, I made a messy bun out of my tangled hair and clipped it to place. Pocketing the money, I went down and out of the house.

I was grocery shopping in my pajamas and I ain't giving a fuck. The closest 7-11 was just around the corner, so I barely took me a couple of minutes to arrive there. Cold air blasting from the vents immediately engulfed my senses, making my legs shiver a bit. It was not good to wear shorts, I thought.

I casually grabbed a basket, getting things as written in the list and stolled through the abandoned aisles. Faint music was heard as I hum along, when I noticed the cahier guy was staring me. I looked at him wierdly before disappearing into another aisle.

After mini-shopping—against my own will—I immediately went to the cashier. I thought there was only one cashier dude, now there's two? Iapproached with a raised eyebrow and placed my basket on the counter?

"Twins?" I asked incredulously.

"Obviously." "I'm Finn." They both said together. The nameless twin smacked Finn—who looks hot, by the way—and smiles at me sheepishly.

"Sorry, he's blunt sometimes. I'm Jack."


"Whatever." Finn scoffs and takes my things before registering them onto the machine. It was quiet for awhile, but then he packed and I paid him gratefully. He just proceeded on doing God knows what with his phone. Shrugging, I left.

I was strolling by the familiar road when I felt a painful grab from my shoulder, making me drop the groceries. Widening my eyes, I looked behind and saw some old man with stinking beard and tattered clothes, eyeing me. I cringed at his disgusting look, as I took a step back horrified.

Trying to make a run, he grabs a fistful of my hair and shoving me to the wall, putting his hands on either of my hips. Kneeing him on his diick, he grabbed his crotch and stumbled down. I was about to run when he grabbed my leg painfully.

"Where you going baby girl? Where not done yet." He smirks before I fell, him landing on top of me. I squirmed under and let out a piercing scream, as tears welled my eyes. 

"Please, I'll do anything. Please. Just not this." I shouted. He covered my mouth as he lowered his head, alcohol-breathed mouth sticking up my neck, sucking it.

I tried to scream but he just pressed his hand on my mouth, more forceful than before. Crying uncontrollably, I helplessy wailed around, but he'd just press his body on me, putting on a huge amount of weight.

And then suddenly, a car with the police sirens started to engulf my senses. The man stood up immediately and cursed out, grabbing my arm painfully before threatening, "If you dare say a word to anybody, I won't hesitate to leave. I know who you are, Samantha."

And with that, he scurried of, leaving me. I stood there frozen. He knew me? How? When? Where? Why?

Thoughts race on my mind as I felt another touch on my bare shoulder—the man tried to rip it off—making me jump.

"Please go away!"

"Its me, its me. Hey. Don't cry." A familiar voice said. The person grabbed my shoulder, making me face him.

"Finn?" I asked confusedly, hiccuping from the sobs I made. His face softened and grabbed me closer, him hugging me.

"Its okay. Shhhh." He said soothingly, rubbing his warm hands on my almost bare back. I liked how our skins make contact, it instantly makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"Why did you go here?" I hiccuped, trying to pull away but he just held me close.

"I heard you calling for help, and I can't just leave you." He mumble through my—once again—messy hair. I nodded as he laid his head on top of mineas the both of us even out our breaths.

"Did the police really come?" I said, pulling away and looking around.

"No, I just had this crazy police siren I got last April Fools convention at the mall, it was meant for pranking. Who knew it can save someone's life?" He said chuckling. I laughed lightly, still traumatized to what had just occured.

I have never been harrased in my life, and I didn't like it one bit. Sighing, I look to Finn, to find him already starring at me. We both look away quickly, me blushing a deep red. He scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"By the way, sorry if I was being rude earlier. I was just not really in the mood." He apologized.

"Yep, you were rude. I actually started to think you had man period or something." I said bluntly, him laughing which made me smile.

"Let's get you home Sam." He said, grabbing my groceries and putting it inside his car, him getting in the driver's seat.

"I live around the corner, you know?" I called out. He started his car as the lights blinded my eyes, my arms shielding my sight.

"Fine, have fun if he ever comes back." He shrugged carelessly and my eyes widen, making me run to his car and getting in the passenger seat in a couple of seconds. He chuckled as revved his car and asked me for directions, and in no time, we arrived at my home.

"Thanks." I said, grabbing my groceries but before I could open the car door, he grabbed my hand and put some piece of paper in it, wrapping his on mine so I grabbed ahold of the paper. He leaned in and put a swift kiss on my forehead, mumbling a "stay safe."

I smiled as I went out, seeing him drive back to the shop. Entering the house, yells from my mother was heard.

"Where have you been? Did you—what happened?" Her anger fading into concern. I almost believed it, but I knew better before tears welling up in my eyes again. Dropping the groceries, I ran to my room and called the three guys I needed and knew that they would comfort me at times like this.

"Hey guys?" I sobbed.

"Hold on, Im coming." "Be there in a few." "Im fucking having my beauty sleep, Samantha Davis. What the hell do you want?"

"Michael!" The two boys shouted.

"Fine, fine." He mumbled.

I chuckled lightly, as I made a silent prayer to how grateful I am for having these wonderful idiotic people.


i didn't know how to end this, but, dont you just fucking love michael? i know i do ♥

jack and finn harries aye aye i smell drama

lucas where u at boyyyy


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2014 ⏰

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