Grimmjow X Reader [New Girl]

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It was just another day in the Hollow realm [A/N I can't spell the real name], the war that was set for winter was still on its way. and many had a lot of things to get ready for it, Grimmjow was his normal self a grump and stubborn. he was walking down the long and lonely halls of the palace not knowing what to do with himself at all, he was still worked up after Ichigo gave him the scar across his chest and that he was stripped of his rank thanks to Tosen [A/N I hope I spelled his name right], as he was making his way down the halls suddenly someone bumped into him. they fell on the ground or I should say she fell and he just stood there. "What where your going!!!" Gimmjow yelled and let out a low growl, the flinched a little bit as she sat on the ground, she had [Y/H/L]-[Y/H/C], hair. She looked up at him as blue eyes met [Y/E/C] eyes. "I'm so sorry" her voice was low but still for him to hear it, he noticed she had a hole where her heart should be since her shirt opened up just a little bit for him to see, she also wore long pants that almost looked like the disco area. Not to mention as she stood up she only came to his chest she wasn't very tall at all but he had a weird feeling about her as she just stood there looking down at the ground playing with her fingers.

"There you are [Y/N], I've been looking for you" someone's voice reached both their ears having them turn around seeing Luppi walking closer to them, [Y/N] suddenly looked down to the ground bowing a little bit. "I Was just on my way, s-sir" [Y/N] tried to be strong as she spoke but she broke just a little bit, since she was so knew she was mostly scared about almost everything and everyone. Grimmjow narrowed his eyes and growled just a little louder for Luppi to chuckled for a moment. "I see you have meet the formal Espada number 6, [Y/N] this is Grimmjow, Grimmjow this is [Y/N] the newest member of the group" Luppi spoke with such venom in the beginning towards Grimmjow but changed his tone to amusement as he spoke about the new girl. "Don't give a damn" Grimmjow shot back with anger as he walked passed the both of them, [Y/N] watched him walk off having her notice the scar on his back where his number was before and seeing his arm missing, her face softened a little as she watched the blue hair Hollow vanish around the corner.

 It has been a couple of days since [Y/N] and Grimmjow first met each other and in those few days [Y/N] started to develop a little crush on him, she couldn't stop thinking about him every time she did a little bit of blush would make it to her cheeks and she would giggle to herself from time to time as well. One day all the other low ranking Hollows like herself were talking or more like whispering among themselves and she started to wonder why So she went up to the group to ask them what was going on. "What's with all the whispering?" [Y/N] asked them having them  jump a little bit as they turned to look at her. "You mean you don't know?!" one of them told her in surprise that she didn't know yet, she gave off a confused look as she tilted her head to the side for a moment. "Know what?" [Y/N] asked them as she became more and more confused then ever, one was about to speak but then suddenly someone burst having everyone jump more out of fear then shock, she turns around having her [Y/E/C] wide in surprise there stood Grimmjow himself looking like himself again, that evil smirk across his face that made her heart skip ten times over. his blue eyes scanned the room carefully as his sights landed on a short [Y/H/C] girl looking at him. "You! [Y/N] get over here!!" he yelled from the door having you rush over to his side trying very hard not to smile or blush as you looked up at him nervously, he stared at her for what seemed like forever to her but it was only five minute. "Follow me" he finally spoke as he turned around having her [Y/E/C] eyes wide again as she saw his number back where it should be and saw his arm back as well as she followed him down the halls of the palace.

"I take it sir Luppi his gone?" [Y/N] asked in a mixture of delight an sorrow at the same time, she didn't like him that much but he wasn't that all bad either so she was kind of sad for a moment. Grimmjow only growled in return having a shiver go down her back as she looked down blushing a little bit. "Damn it...." Grimmjow spoke low as he suddenly turned around and pinned the girl to the wall having her scared for sure about what might happen right now, his face was a little angry but she couldn't tell if it was because of her or because of someone else until Grimmjow spoke. "Just tell me why?" Grimmjow spoke low and dangerously having her shake a little bit as she tried to not look into his eyes that were burning into her skull. "W-What d-do you m-mean?" she stuttered softly as she looked to the ground as the blush grew more and more on her face, she knew Grimmjow had to notice it by now. "Tell me why a girl like you some how got my attention!!?" Grimmjow spoke but shouted a little at the end having her jump along with her heart, was he serious? or was it just a dream? all these kinds of questions rushed through her head at the same time. "A-attention?" [Y/N] spoke with some little hope and softly as she finally has her [Y/E/C] meet his blue eyes finally, she noticed Grmmjow looked away from her with a hint of blush on his cheeks too, he let go of [Y/N]s he stood up looking away scratching the back of his neck trying to speak but she beat him to it. "Do me?" [Y/N] asked him as she slowly stood in front of him seeing the blush deepen a little bit more, she smiled softly at him as she stood on her tip-toes and gave him a surprise kiss on the cheek, Grimmjow looked down at her seeing the smile and still the deep blush on her face. "Does that answer your question?" [Y/N] asked as she still looked up at him with the smile on her face, for the first time Grimmjow smiled like really smiled at her, his hands slowly cupped her face as they stared into each others eyes as he leaned in slowly. "Yes it does" and with that their lips finally came together in a soft and passionate kiss, they stayed like that for a couple of minutes until their lips parted from each other. "Who would have thought I'd fall for the new girl" Grimmjow spoke softly as he looked at her, [Y/N] smiled and giggled a little bit as they both started walking down the halls again hand in hand.

[A/N] 'I hope it was good please comment if you guys liked it'

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