Grimmjow x reader [The Panther's] [P2]

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-Time Skip-

After what happened to [Y/N] at school the teacher nor the nurse knew what happened to her all they could think about was a black out or not enough sleep. But Grimmjow had a different feeling about the whole thing and it was interesting that her parents couldn't be reached nor did any other relative came to pick her up from school. Right now [Y/N] was standing outside the school gates looking at something on her phone until Grimmjow came walking out of the school stopping in front of her. "Need someone to walk you home?" he asked in his normal voice tone trying not to sound worried about her. She slowly looked up in his blue eyes that remind her of the deep oceans, being around him made her feel safe and calm. "I'm fine, but thanks anyways" she said in a none emotional tone like she didn't have a care in the world about what would happen to her. Grimmjow just shrugged it off and went to go back to his place, he looked over his shoulder looking back at her seeing her walking away but noticed something, both her small legs were very and I mean very wobbly she was taking the most smallest steps in order not to fall over. He sighed for a moment until turning around and surprising [Y/N] by picking her up bridal style.

She blushed a deep red when she looked up at him for a moment but looked away quickly. "What the hell are you doing?" she asked trying to sound mean but it never came out. "Walking you home, but don't worry this is a one time thing" he said in a little mean tone having her look down at the ground for a moment feeling silly for asking, it wasn't much time to get to where her home was but the house wasn't what he expected and to be honest he couldn't wrap his head around it.

"This is your place?" he asked in the most blunt tone. "Um, yes" she said as she looked away from him, because her house was beyond the word called dump, she basically lived in a shack...He had no idea how she had money to even go to school, even though he acted like he didn't care from the outside but on the inside he felt sorry for her. He put her down on her feet having her look up at him. "Go get a bag of your things you need, your staying with me" Grimmjow said as he folded his arms together as he stared down at her. "B-but I-I" she couldn't get the words out since she was so taken back, but the look on Grimmjow's face wasn't giving her much choice so she just thought keeping her mouth shut would be best, so she went inside the run down house to gathering her stuff which wasn't much, it was just some clothes and PJ's and tooth brush...she came out in no time and stood by Grimmjow waiting to see what he would say or do now, but he only turned around and walked over to his place as she followed behind him with her head hung low.

-Time Skip-

They came to his place walking into his apartment, he kicked off his shoes and threw his school bag to the ground until he laid down on the couch tired from today. [Y/N] was a little bit nervous and stiff as she put her bag to the ground. "Um, thanks for this...y-you really d-didn't need to" she said trying not to be nervous but he looked big and mean so why wouldn't she be nervous in a little way. He just grunted in response as he stood up. "Alright, you can either share my bed with me o stay on the couch your choice" he said in his normal tone of 'I don't care' voice. She blinked a little bit before answering as she made up her mind. "Um, couch will be fine" she said blushing a little bit as she looked down, [Y/N] looked very cute as she blushed and Grimmjow couldn't help but think that which made him a little angry since he never felt like this towards anyone. "Fine" he said as he head to his bedroom to get ready for bed. Moments later [y/N] was lying on the couch wide awake since this place was new it was hard trying to fall asleep, she looked towards the hall where Grimmjow's room is. She was thinking for a moment until she started to move on her own slowly listening to her inner hollow for some reason but she soon found herself in Grimmjow's room. She watched him sleeping soundly having his amazing muscles and abs show off since he never wore a shirt, she was a bit nervous but her inner hollow was trying to tell her something but she didn't know what. She stared at his perfect and peaceful face, she placed her free hand against his face gently hoping he wouldn't wake up but that touch triggered something before she knew it Grimmjow grabbed her wrist and suddenly flipped her over having him hovering over her, [Y/N] was surprised and startled as she noticed his blue eyes wide, as small sweat drops went down his face and his breathing was a little heavy like he was having a nightmare. But right now [Y/N]'s [Y/E/C] eyes were staring right back at Grimmjow's perfect blue eyes.  

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