Toshiro X Reader [Day In The Sun]

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Today was a hot day in the world of the living, [Y/N] and her boyfriend Toshiro had a day off from duty which was rare for ant reason, but they had time to spend together and thought a day in the world of the living would be a great idea in the middle of the hottest summer of All time. As they both walked down the busy streets where small shops were opened. And it also happened to be next to a lovely and beautiful beach that was just a block or two away from where they were, [Y/N] saw the white sands and blue waters out of the corner of her eye when she stopped in her tracks having Toshiro also stop in surprise from the sudden stop of movement. "Is there a reason you stopped walking?" he asked in surprised and a little bit of annoyance, since he hated being out on hot day like today and wanted to go home quickly. "Let's go to the beach! Its  a perfect day for it" [Y/N] said while pointing to the beach with  big smile on her face as her [Y/E/C] shined in the beaming hot sunlight, Toshiro looked towards the beach for a moment to think. "You know how I hate being out in the heat to long" Toshiro finally spoke when he looked back at her, [Y/N] made a pout face puffing out her cheeks and made a huff sound [A/N] very much like Jigglypuff lol]   

"Its not like your going to melt, just because your sword is ice doesn't mean you are" [Y/N] said again as the childishness started to slowly sneak out from her tone of voice right now. Toshiro sighed for a moment running his free hand through his white hair, since [Y/N] had a very good way in making him feel bad and also she held a grudge very well and it took almost a week or two for the last time he made her this way and he didn't want to go through that again. "Fine only for a few minutes" Toshiro spoke as he looked down in defeat having his girlfriend giggle in delight as she hugged him tightly. 

Soon enough they were both at the beach in swimsuits, [Y/N] was more the delighted that she could go play in the water. Toshiro just sat in the sands watching her having fun as she splashed and laughed. "Toshiro come and join me!!" [Y/N] yelled over s she waved her hand up in the air wanting him to come join her to have fun. "Fine" Toshiro said as he got up to go and join her in the water, the moment he got close enough to her she surprised him with a splash to the face having his white hair now dripping in his face as she laughed and laughed so much trying not to fall over. "Now your going to get it" Toshiro spoke as he looked over at her having her jump a small bit but still giggled as she tried to run away from him, but since she didn't plan ahead  of running before he easily caught her in his arms having him pick her up as they both smiled and laughed. "Put me down!" [Y/N] giggled as Toshiro had her up in the air spinning her around. Suddenly he threw her in the water making a big splash as she came up with a grumpy face."You told me to put you down" Toshiro spoke as he tried not to laugh so much. "I said down not throw me" [Y/N] spoke as she stood coming over to him with her arms crossed, Toshiro smiled warmly at her having a small smile also cross her lips. He pulled her in close to him planting a gentle kiss on her forehead having her smile more and blush. "Thanks for a fun day" [Y/N] said as she leaned her head on his shoulder. "Your welcome" he said as he laid his head on top of her's, just enjoying each other company in the nice cold water's on this hot summer day. 

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