Grimmjow x Reader (The Panther's) (Final Part)

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Sorry I have been busy with other things but I thought of an ending for this hope you guys like it

There was a silence between them as they still stared at each other, (Y/N) didn't know what to say or do at this moment in time. His deep blue eyes just pierced right through her very soul and it was in a good yet baby way at the same time. "What do you want?" Grimmjow growled as he asked her still keeping her close still. She tried finding words but had a hard time finding them. "You sounded like you were having a bad dream so I thought I would check up on you...." She spoke low in a shy tone when she looked away from his deadly and hot gaze. He made a 'tch' sound when he let her go having her stand up holding her wrist from the site on it now.

"Whatever" he said as he laid back down on his bed looking away from her, (Y/N) sighed for a moment as she turned around and left his room. What she didn't know was that Grimmjow just laid there staring at the wall, thinking to himself. "I hope I'm not wrong....." He thought as he slowly closed his eyes.


It was about two weeks later and it was another day in school for everyone, it was lunch time and everyone knew what she was a mixture of soul reaper and hollow which was why she fainted from time to time, but they were all hanging out eating and laughing at old jokes. Until (Y/N) felt a hand on her shoulder having her look up seeing Grimmjow. "We need to talk..." Was all he said until he walked away having (Y/N) get up and follow him away from.the others and onto the rooftop of the school. "What did you need?" She asked getting a little bit curious by the minute. Grimmjow turned around super fast having (Y/N) against the fence on the roof and suddenly felt his lips against her own, it was a surprise for a moment but she soon melted into the kiss wrapping her hands against his neck holding the kiss as long as this was going to last. He let out a warm growl while she let out a 'purr' having there lips part as they look into each other's eyes.

"I know I was right, your just like me" Grimmjow said with his sexy smirk on his lips, (Y/N) also smirked up at him having him lay his head against her holding her close to him in his arms. "I guess being here isn't that bad after all" she said still with that was smile on her face having him chuckle a little bit. "I totally agree with you" Grimmjow said to (Y/N) before he gave her a kiss on the lips again enjoying their alone time now.

The End

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