Renji X reader [Training]

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[Y/N] was a little bit angry this morning why you ask? She was in charge of going on patrols with Renji Abari, its not that she didn't like him it was just that she couldn't keep her cool or not stutter when she was around him. [Y/N] was heading towards the training hall to find him after captain Kuchiki told her of her duties today, she could hear him practicing in the room as she came closer to the training hall.

[Y/N] entered the room seeing him training harder each time, sometimes she thought he never slept at all. "You're going to wear yourself out if you keep training every day" [Y/N] said as she leaned in the door frame and crossed her arms together trying to act cool and not stutter for a moment. Renji paused for to catch his breath as the sweat dripped off his forehead. "Did you need....anything?" Renji asked still catching his breath as he stretched a little bit having [Y/N], watch closely as he did so making her a little distracted for a moment until Renji cleared his throat to get her attention again making her jump for a moment and blush just a small bit as he watched her reaction. "O-oh, um....the captain told me, y-you and I-I have um, patrol together this evening" [Y/N] spoke as her stuttering got the est of her making her curse in his mind and blush a little bit more as she did so. Renji smirked a little bit at her cuteness as he picked up the wooden word for a moment. "Let's make a deal" Renji said as we paced back and forth around the room swinging the sword around playful wise. "What k-kind?" [Y/N] asked as she stuttered again having her making a face saying 'crap' having Renji see it clear as day.

"The kind where if I win, you go out with me tomorrow, but if you win I'll do whatever you want or need" Renji said as he stopped dead in his tracks right in front of her looking down at [Y/N] as she stared at the ground trying to stay calm like he was being right now. "Fair e-enough" she spoke again as she quickly made her way to where the wooden swords were being held as she took one in her hands and stood at the other side of the room, letting them get into position for their little parring match right now. 

-time skipped-

After the battle was won [Y/N] was sitting on the ground out of breathe as Renji was standing being the winner of the parring match. "Well, that's that....You are going out with me tomorrow" Renji said as he caught his breath putting away the wooden swords. "Fine, its not like I would have complained anyways....I would have asked you out if I won anyways" [Y/N] spoke as Renji took her hand and helped her stand up. "So you do like me" Renji said having a smirk cross his face while he said those words. "Of course I do, you idiot" [Y/N] said back as she smacked his shoulder playfully having them both break into laughter, as the laughing died down Renji surprised her with a small kiss on the forehead making [Y/N] blush extra red as she placed her hand where he had kissed her having her smile warmly. "Shall we go on patrol?" Renji asked as it was getting to be closer to their shift, she slowly nodded her head 'yes' as Renji wrapped an arm around her shoulder as they both left the training hall and out into the soul society for their patrols.  

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