Jushiro x reader [Secret Love]

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'Requested by Bleach-Kayla'

It was just and ordinary day in the soul society, people working hard, squads on patrol and that sort of thing. But for [Y/N] [L/N] the Lt. of squad thirteen it was never an ordinary day, ever since she started dating captain Ukitake things were always a step of being careful around people in the soul society. They had to be careful since it was a rule to not date anyone in your squad which was a little downer for most but [Y/N] and Juchiro found a way around that by meeting in weird hours of the day when they were most free.

[Y/N] was bringing some reports back to her beloved captain, she always smiled and blushed to herself every time she went to his office to give him something. she softly knocked on the door hearing a soft 'come in' come from the other side of the door, she opened the door seeing her beloved at his desk working on other files and reports on his desk. "Ah, I see you brought me some more reports to sign" Jushiro said to her as he saw the files in her hands as she walked closer to his desk. "Yes, I'm sure these will be the last ones for the day" she said as she handed the files over to him, he always gave her a loving smile which made her blush and smile more. "After these files maybe we could go sit by the cherry trees" he said to her as she sat down at her own desk to help finish the files faster. "That would be lovely" [y/N] responded with a warm smile and Jushiro always loved to see on her face.

-Time Skip-

The work was finally over for them, so they went to walk around the cherry trees that were so beautiful this time of year as always. The wind gently blew through the pink petals having some lose ones float down to the dirt roads. Both [Y/N] and Jushiro walked hand in hand since no one was around here this time, so they enjoyed their small moment like this as much as they could. Jushiro surprised [Y/N] with a small kiss on the forehead having her look up at him. "You're a real charmer" she said when she looked up at him having him chuckle a little bit. "I'm flattered, my dear" he said with a little joke having her giggle a little bit. "I love you" she said as she held his hand a little tighter in her's. "I love you too" he said giving her a peck on the cheek, but shortly the moment was cut having it show a messenger finding them, they quickly let go of each other's hand and placed their serious faces on and they were good at it too, since they had three years of practice. "I have a message, sir" the messenger said as he knelt down in front of him when he showed up. "Go on" Jushiro said wanting to know what was happening in the soul society. "The head captain wishes to see you and Lt. [L/N] right away sir" and with that the messenger left leaving both of them very confused and very worried why the head captain wishes to see them both.

-Head captain's office-

they both arrived in no time in the head captain's office seeing him sitting their waiting for them. And Jushiro had a bad feeling about this meeting and was worried what it was about. "you called for us, sir?" Jushiro asked the head captain trying to not sound nervous but the old man could hear it faintly. "It seems that we have a small problem at hand?" the head captain said letting out the serious tone he had as he stared at the both of them, which made them both very nervous indeed. "Is it hollows, sir?" [Y/N] asked hoping it was something else instead of what she and Jushiro were both thinking. the had captain opened both of his eyes looking at them, [Y/N] gulp for a moment since being in front of the head captain was nerve racking. "i have been in formed that you two have been in a secret relationship, is this true?" he asked as he tone became a little more low and dangerous, [Y/N] looked down at the ground for a moment as Jushiro answered after he sighed. "Yes sir it is...." He said as he also looked down to the ground a little himself. The head captain hummed in response for a moment. "And just how long has this been going on?" he asked as he looked toward Lt. [L/N] for an answer seeing her becoming very nervous. "W-well about t-three years, sir" she spoke in a shy tone not looking at the old man since she was trying to keep her nerves together as much as possible, he hummed again as he nodded his head. 

"Head captain, we didn't plan for this to happen it just did. If you wish to send me to a different squad or ask me to leave the soul society then I will not try and fight since me and captain Ukitake both broke a rule" [Y/N] spoke with a bit more courage as she looked up to the old man hoping her just sign her ti a different squad and not kick her out, Jushiro looked at her with surprise but also with worry. "I see Lt. [L/N], but I am still very disappointed in you both in this matter" the head captain said to her as he stood up from his desk as he stood in front of them. "Disappointed in you both when you didn't tell me the first place" he said to them taking them both by surprise like big time since he only sounded disappointed and not angry with them. "Wait, your not signing her to a different squad or kicking her out, head captain?" Jushiro asked him with the surprise look on his face and in his tone as he looked at the old man. " I am not" he said to him, they were both so grateful about this they both smiled a little bit, until a voice behind them came to light. 

"I may have convinced the old man to re-think that rule of his" the voice said to them all, having Jushiro and [Y/N] look behind them seeing who it was. "Well, I guess I own you one Shunsui" Jushiro said to his old friend as he stood beside him in the room, Shunsui chuckled a little bit as he tipped his hat up a little bit. "I thought it was time for you guys to show everyone, how much you guys really love each other" Shunsui said as he looked over at Jushiro and [Y/N] who were still smiling. "Thank you, captain Kyoraku" [Y/N] said to him by bowing a little bit to him, he chuckled again and patting her on the head. "alright you two, go enjoy the rest of the day with each other" Shunsui said to them as the head captain agreed with him, having them both walk out of the office. The moment the doors closed [Y/N] squealed and jumped in Jushiro's arms in excitement and happiness, as Jushiro smiled and laughed at her actions. 

She looked up at him with such love in her eyes as he shared the same gaze towards her as well. "I love you" he said as he held her close to him in his arms. "I love you too" she said wrapping her arms around him as he kissed the top of her head having her smile and blush a little bit.

'I hope you enjoyed it! P.S I was listening to Secret Love by the Bee-Gees  as I wrote this I couldn't stop smiling'         

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