Ichigo X Reader [Old Friends]

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[A/N] 'This takes place when Ichigo loses his soul reaper powers'

It was another day at high school it was the last year for everyone who went there, but this year it really wasn't the same for Ichigo. He some times missed doing all of the soul reaper stuff with the fighting Hollows protecting people but none of those reasons were important enough to make him to depressed, he missed someone and that someone was [Y/N] a soul reaper who was apart of squad six. [Y/n] was someone who helped Ichigo and his friend a lot and during the many years they spent together but there was one problem, Ichigo never told [Y/N] how he really felt about her and it was the same way with her. 

Ichigo was at school again just day dreaming under a tree since it was lunch now, ll his day dreaming were part of the good old days and now things used to be. His heart always broke when his mind wondered towards [Y/N]. soon enough the bell for the next class rang having him sigh n annoyance as he got up to get to his class, as class was starting everyone was listening to the teacher on history. But suddenly door opened catching everyone's attention. "I'm SO sorry that I'm late!!" a girl with [Y/H/C] said as she bowed down a little bit to the teacher, the teacher sighed for a moment as she looked towards the pour girl. "Just Don't let it happened again" the teacher said as pointed towards an empty seat in the room, the girl stood up straight having her [Y/H/L] fall back into place. 'Is that?'  Ichigo thought to himself as he stared at the girl. The same bright smile much like Orihime's, the big [Y/E/C] eyes that sparkled n the light. but what gave it away was the soul reaper badge she had attached to her backpack as she sat down right across from Ichigo as he continued to stare at her, behind her was Orihime and in front of Uryu. "Hi [Y/N], long time huh?!" Orihime spoke first as she turned around to see her behind her. "Yes it has been" [Y/N] smiled that perfect smile like before having Ichigo blush as his heart did a couple of flips in his chest. She looked right at Ichigo with the smile having him smile warmly back at her as the teacher continued to speak. 

after school was over the first thing [Y/N] did was jump on Ichigo's back as she gave him a big bear hug as she smiled and laughed. "You spent to much time with Orihime" Ichigo said as he smiled and laughed along with her as he scooped her legs under his arms giving her a piggy back ride. "Well, we are best friends" she smiled more as Ichigo started to walk away from school. "Want to grab something to eat?" Ichigo asked her as they walked down the streets towards his house, she thought for a moment until her thoughts were broken by the rumble in her tummy having her blush and hide her face a little bit in Ichigo's shoulder, Ichigo chuckled a little bit at her cuteness. "I take that as a yes, where do you want to go?" Ichigo asked as he turned his head slightly to look at her. "Ice cream!" [Y/N] spoke with excitement and sparkles n her eyes having him nod in agreement.

They went to a small park to an ice cream shop and ordered their stuff and paid having it already be sunset out as they made their way out of the park and towards Ichigo's house. One question was on Ichigo's mind and that was why was [Y/N] here? he couldn't figure it out. "So you here on business? I thought the Soul Society wasn't going to come back here for a while after the battle with Aizen" Ichigo asked as he looked at her as she chowed down her ice cream with a smile on her face. "Well, um....I asked for some vacation time and thought I'd come here and spend it with you and the gang" she spoke back with a hint of blush in her cheeks as she looked down for a moment. Ichigo stopped in his tracks having her stop as well having him look at her as she was looking away from him still blushing....

"Is there something on your mind?" Ichigo asked with a hint of worry in his voice as he looked down at her, [Y/N] shook her head 'no' as she still looked down to the ground. "Come on, I can tell when your lying" Ichigo spoke again when he stood in front of her with a small smirk on his face. "Okay fine....there is something I wanted to ask you" [Y/N] spoke when she took a bit out of her ice cream with a pout. "Okay what is it?" Ichigo chuckled at her childish behavior for a moment, [Y/N] took a breath for a moment until she looked up at Ichigo with a serious look but still blushing a bit. "I LIKE YOU!!!" she yelled out of nowhere having her blush deepen more as she looked to the ground with her eyes closed waiting for Ichigo to say something to her. Ichigo stood there for about five minute blinking a couple of times trying to calm his beating heart down since those were the words he wanted to say himself for so long. "Y-you really do?" Ichigo asked still in a little bit of shock as [Y/N] nodded her head 'yes' very fast. suddenly Ichigo caught her off guard by pulling her into a hug with his free arm {Y/N] finally opened her eyes as she looked up seeing the warm smile on his face having her smile as well. "You stole my line" Ichigo said as he chuckled a little bit having her giggle a little bit as she returned the hug to him. "Good!" she smiled again having them both broke out laughing again as they walked down the street finally reaching Ichigo's house. "See you at class" [Y/N] said as they stood in front of Ichigo's house. "Yeah, see you at class" Ichigo said as he leaned down a little giving [Y/N] a small peck on the forehead as he headed inside, having [Y/N] walked to her house down the streets as she jumped a little in excitement smiling to brightly to herself as her heart danced around just like she was in the streets.  

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