Gin X reader [The Big Surprise] [Fluff]

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[A/N] 'Requested by Bleach-Gin p.s play song when it is required'

It was just another day in the Soul Society but not for one third seat of squad three, [Y/N] [L/N] was smiling brightly today and humming to herself since today was [D/O/B] [Date Of Birth], and she couldn't be any mo re happier right now, everyone in her squad all wished her the best today since she was turning [Y/A] [your age]. She went to her boyfriend's office who was the famous captain of squad three Gin Ichimaru, she gentle knocked on the door but no one answered which was strange since he was always in his office at this time. [Y/N] opened the door to peek in but Gin was nowhere to be seen which was a little bit strange. "Hey, Izuru where is the captain?" [Y/N] asked the Lt. Before he passed her in the balls. "Oh, the captain is in a meeting and won't be back for a while and he might be busy after that" Izuru told her when he looked at her. [Y/N] frowned a small bit with her [Y/E/C] eyes hiding some sadness behind them. "Thanks Izuru" she said trying to hide her sadness behind a small smile before walking down the hallway.

For the remainder of the day, [Y/N] tried taking her mind off the idea that maybe Gin had forgotten her own birthday. She was hoping she was wrong but then again sometimes she was normally right about things like this. She was with Rangiku, Rukia and Momo for most of the day for a girl's day out with shopping and eating lunch. But they were acting a little but weird today now that she thinks about it more everyone in her squad was acting weird.

"Hey, is there something going on that I don't know about?" [Y/N] asked the girls who were sitting around her at a sweet shop they stopped at. All three froze like you asked them if the world was coming to an end. "Nah, why would you ask that?" Momo asked as she gave off a nervous laugh to hide something which made [Y/N] lift an eyebrow for a moment. "Because I noticed you guys and my squad are acting weird" she said as she at a sweet candy waiting for an answer from one of the girls. "Nope your just seeing things" Rukia answered helping Momo hide her nervousness and not break since she was really nervous when she asked them. Right now she just shrugged it off going back to her thoughts about Gin who she wished she was with right now even though her friends were with her.

It was being to be sunset by the time she came back to the squad. The moment she came in there was no one there it was all dead and quiet which made her worry and curious. "Hello, anyone around?!" [Y/N] yelled out trying to find someone around here. That's when she heard music playing 'play the song' she made her way to the squad's dinning hall as the music became louder and louder until she reached the door and opened it wide having her [Y/E/C] eyes wide in surprise.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, [Y/N]!!!!" Everyone yelled together when she opened the door. She smiled as happy tears build up in her eyes seeing the place all decorated, with gifts from everyone in the squad. But the most perfect imagine she loved the most was her wonderful boyfriend Gin standing in the middle of the room with his smile on his face, holding a red rose in his hand.

She walked over to Gin giving him a hug as he returned the hug. "I thought you forgot" [Y/N] said when she looked up at him. "I would never forget my girl's birthday" Gin said to her when he gave her a kiss on the forehead having her smile warmly as she held the rose close to her heart. But that was not all.

"[Y/N], my dear I want to ask you something" Gin spoke with a gentle and loving tone in his voice as he looked down at her. "What is it?" She asked titling her head in curiosity. Soon enough Gin brought out a small black box out of nowhere. And soon got down on one knee have her [Y/E/C] wide a small bit knowing where this was going. "My beloved [Y/N] [L/N], you are the greatest person who has entered my life and I couldn't live without you, you just have to answer one question. Will you marry me?" Gin asked as he opened the box showing the beautiful ring that held [Y/B/S] 'you're birth stone' that was held next to two small diamonds. She was breathtaking by all of this as her smile grew and the happy tears fell as she answered. "Yes!!!" She said with such excitement in her voice. Gin smiled as he placed the ring in her finger and picking her up in a hug as he kissed her in the lips. Everyone from the squad cheered and whistled for the new engaged couple. This truly was a perfect birthday ever.

'Hope you enjoyed it'

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