Gin X reader [Pranks]

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[A/N] - [Hey sorry for the long wait for an update been busy a lot lately, so here is another one hope you guys enjoy]

It was just another day in squad 3, well normal for most people in the squad. The squad was getting a new third seat today and no one really knew much about this mystery person. The Lt. Izuru was waiting for new soul reaper to arrive as he talked to some of the other members of the squad, soon enough someone was standing behind Izuru. "Are you Lt. Izuru?" the voice asked when the figure stopped in front of the Lt. the Lt. turned around to face the voice, coming face to face with a girl with [H/L] [H/C] hair, big [E/C] and [S/C] skin as they held the papers for this squad. "Yes I'm the Lt. the name is Izuru, what is yours?" Izuru said to the girl that he faced when he held out a hand to shake her hand. "Oh, my name is [Y/N] [L/N], sir!" she spoke since the question kind of caught her off guard a little bit as she shook his hand. "Well, we should go see the captain follow me" Izuru walked off to the left having her follow behind him going to find their captain, they spoke along the way getting to know each other which helped [Y/N], since she seemed a little shy.

"So, who is the captain?" [Y/N] asked as they walked down the halls to the captains office. "Oh, Captain Ichimaru is our captain, I think you'll get along with him just fine" Izuru spoke still looking forward and not noticing the look on [Y/N]'s face. Before she could chicken out they reached the captain's office, Izuru knocked on the door getting a 'come in' from the captain as he opened the door. "Captain Ichimaru, this is our new third seat....[Y/N] [L/N]" Izuru said as they both stood in front of the captain, Gin looked up from his papers on his desk to look right at her. The same feeling came back it was a mixture of fear and excitement every time she saw Gin, his smile always reminded her of a snake while his voice was soft and caring but held a hint of venom if someone pissed him off correctly. But his smile grew a little more once he laid eyes on [Y/N] and that scared a little bit. "thank you Izuru, I'll take care of this now" Gin said to his Lt. taking his eyes off of her for a moment, Izuru nodded to the captain and then leaving the room shutting the door to the office having Gin's gaze come back to [Y/N]. 

"And here I thought I'd finally seen enough of you" [Y/N] spoke with a little bit of bitter in her tone as they were now alone and she didn't have to act shy anymore. "Well, that was cold not even a hello first, my dear?" Gin said with just the same sarcastic tone he always had, the back story for them was [Y/N], was Rangiku's cousin and so she hung out with both her and Gin a lot when they were kids it was more of a weird relationship between them no one couldn't tell what kind it was.

"You know you could ask to be a part of another squad if you so wish" Gin said as he stood up from his desk and then standing in front of [Y/N], looking down at her, she only came up to his chest when she looked up. "No need i'm just going to deal with it, just as long as you behave yourself" [Y/N] said as she crossed her arms when she gave him a warning glare after her warning. "I promise I will do my best" Gin spoke when he raised his hand a little bit in defense, [Y/N] couldn't help but feel like he wasn't going to keep his promise after this conversation was over and how right she was, like 100% right from the very start.

It has been at least five months now and everything as been a little on the rocky side, [Y/N] has always walked into little pranks that have been left out for her and she knew who was playing these tricks with her and it was Gin. She's gotten him back a couple of times but he always seemed to bring out more ways to embarrass her in front of people or just being by herself. Even though in secret between these little tricks they have done back and forth the same old feelings for Gin came back. Having her always blush every time she would see him staring at her from across the way, or the many times he invited her on patrol with a couple of others. But she couldn't tell if he felt the same since she could never read him like a book like how he can with her. But she would soon find out that he felt the same for her.

Right now today was a little over the top, [Y/N] was really mad at Gin now as she made her way to his office to give him a piece of her mind right now, Gin seemed to be waiting for her since he was leaning against his desk as she swung the door open and slammed it closed again. Gin had that same smile on his face when he looked at her. "And what can I help you with Ms. [L/N]?" Gin asked as she stood in front of him. "Shut up, you went a little to far this time! I went to go take a shower and out my robe on, I only took a few steps out of my room when all of a sudden things got chilly here's why!" [Y/N] explained when she put on her favorite flower robe on and turned around to show a hole where her butt was, Gin tried not to laugh as he talked to her. "My, my [Y/N], seems you could use a bum warming" Gin joked as he held the laugh in very well, as she turned around to face him. "shut up you low life, I turned around and ran back into my room but not before hearing a musical of whistles, cat calls and one marriage purposely!" [Y/N] said to him trying to hold in her anger as she spoke to him seeing that smirk grow on his face even more as she spoke. "And I have one more thing to say to you" she said as she placed her hands on her hips staring up at him. "And what is that?" Gin asked when he looked down at her, seeing that ghostly smile come across [Y/N]'s face when she spoke. "Boy have I missed you" finally they both broke down laughing together since it was just like old times between them. 

"Truce?" [Y/N] asked as she held out her hand knowing she was out prank by Gin, "truce" he said as he took her hand in his but surprised her with not a hand shake, Gin pulled [Y/N] towards him and placed his lips on her's taking her by surprised until she closed her eyes and kissed him back enjoying the moment here and now.  

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