Kenpachi X Reader [Strongest]

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[A/N] I'm back guys with another one-shot hope you guys enjoy!

[Y/N] was part of the best fighting squad in the soul society squad 11, [Y/N] has been in the squad for about 5 months and she already has beaten up pretty much all the men in the squad to gain respect for how strong she really is, but there was one person she has never fought in the squad and that was her captain, Kenpachi Zeraki the strongest captain alive. Not that she didn't think she could beat him or anything she was that cocky about her powers but, [Y/N] has fought along side him a couple of times and seeing his powers almost as full power was a little scary to her but also very alluring as well. See [Y/N] has a small crush on her captain because he is the only man that could get her blood pumping with fights they have against hollows or any other enemy before.

Right now [Y/N], was outside practicing some moves she needed work on the Ikkaku had pointed out in her begging stage when she first joined the squad, as she practiced the little Lt. Yachiru was watching her as she ate her favorite candy with a small smile on her face. A shadow moved over the small Lt. as she looked up seeing Kenpachi standing there was a bored expression on his face. "Hi Kenny! Did you come to watch [N/N] practice?" she asked in her little high voice as she looked up at him, Kenpachi didn't answer for he was to busy staring at {Y/N] as she was twirling and bending with her sword in her hands, soon out of no where Kenpachi walked over to her having Yachiru a little confused for a moment, [Y/N] swung again when suddenly her wooden sword clashed against the captain muscle chest. [Y/N] was surprised as she looked up at him, she only came up to his chest so she was very small compared to him. "Something you need captain Zeraki?" [Y/N] asked as she tried to not lose her nerve and blush deep red in front of him since that would give her away right then and now.

"We're fighting here and now" Kenpachi spoke in a very serious tone that made a shiver go down [Y/N] spine as she stood up straight still looking at him. "May I ask why?" she asked still a little confused and concerned to what was going to happen. An evil looking grin found its way onto his face as he looked down at her, another shiver went down her spine. "You've been here for five months and you've beaten half of the boys here, so I'm going to see what kind of powers you have" Kenpachi said to her without even looking away or having the grin of his fall. [Y/N] gulped for a moment wondering if this was a good idea or not but there was no backing out of it once the captain made up his mind about things. "Very well, captain" she said as she sighed for a moment knowing there was no way out of this, they both drew their swords out ready in a stance well [Y/N] did Kenpachi just stood there with that same grim ever growing more and more. Yachiru stood up with a happy smile herself as she looked between the both of them. "Ready!? GO!!!" Yachiru screamed out as they both lunged towards each other.

[Fight skipped]   

The fight went on for what seemed like hours for everyone who watched the fight in 'aw' and shock. It finally came to a draw between the both of them which shocked even [Y/N] herself as they both put their swords away. "That was fun" Kenpachi said with his grin still on his face as [Y/N] looked to the ground with a hint of blush. "I'm glad you thought so captain" [Y/N] spoke as she wanted to walk away from the fight and all eyes one them but Yachiru had other plans, [Y/N] was suddenly pushed towards Kenpachi and Kenpachi was bent over just enough for her lips and his to make contact with each other, [Y/N] was now red as a tomato now and full of embarrassment that everyone saw this she was waiting for jokes and laughs what she got was everyone in the squad cheering for they were all on this thanks to Yachiru and her plan. They parted away from each other just staring at each other what seemed like hours, Yachiru hopped on Kenpachi's shoulder with her smile as always. "I knew you guys liked each other, you two just needed a push" she said as her smile grew bigger as she held back some small giggles as well. [Y/N] soon had a small smile on her lips as well when Kenpachi also gave the rarest gentle smile he has given towards anyone. 

"What do you think? Want to be my girl?" Kenpahi asked her still never looking away from her as she never looked away from him either. her smile grew just a little bit more as her heart also pumped a little faster as well before she answered enjoying the moment. "I'd love that" [Y/N] said finally as Yachiru cheered again as Kenpachi wrapped both his strong arms around her pulling her closer to him as he brought her in for another kiss that she happily kissed back wrapping her arms around him as well. 

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