Grimmjow x Reader [The Panther's] [P1]

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BEEP!!! BEEP!!!  was the sound that was waking Grimmjow up at five o'clock in the morning, he let out a growl when he stopped his clock from beeping even more. It has been a couple of months since the battle with Aizen and Grimmjow and the other high ranking hollow were under a truce with the Soul Society which means they were being watched. Some stayed in Las Noches for the low powered hollows while others like Grimmjow came to the world of the living to start over. 

Grimmjow got up to get started for the day, taking a shower, getting his high school uniform on and eating breakfast. Today was just like any other day for him but was he so wrong. 

The bell to school rang as the students piled in for the next year, Grimmjow always kept to himself not wanting to make any friends but then again he was never good at that to begin with. He went to his first class for this morning sitting in the back of the class like always enjoying the peace around him until that was broken in a flash. "Morning Grimmjow!!" a high pitch and happy voice broke into his head having him roll his eyes. "You are way to loud, Inou" Grimmjow said to her when she walked into the class along with the gang behind her like every morning. She only smiled and giggled like the nice person she was. "just be thankful you're here and not in a cell in the Soul Society" Ichigo said to Grimmjow as he walked passed him to sit in his seat by the window, Grimmjow growled in annoyance as he and Ichigo shared a glare of death towards each other. But the teacher soon walked in having them both look at the head of the class as other's took their seats. "alright Class before we start we have a new student starting today, introduce yourself" the teacher said as she looked to her left having a girl stand there looking out blankly at the class. "nice to meet you all, my name is [Y/N] [L/N]" [Y/N] said as her face never changed much, everyone said hello to her as she went to go take the empty seat that was right next to Grimmjow. He was a little caught off guard by her sitting next to him, he slightly looked over at her trying not to be to obvious about it. she gave off an interesting vibe to her as she listened to the teacher talk about history. she had [Y/E/C] eyes that had dark purple marking under her eyes just like his, she also had light purple hair with dark purple streaks as well, it was [H/L] and it framed her face perfect. 

"So what your name?" she asked out of nowhere knowing full well he was looking at her longer than he wanted too, a hint of blush crossed his cheeks for a moment before clearing his throat. "Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez" he said looking back at the board the teacher was writing on about something dumb. she held out her hand towards him still not looking his way as he reached for it and shook it. "Pleasure" she said still with a dead emotion in her tone which Grimmjow didn't understand why. Soon the bell rang for lunch time, [Y/N] was the first one to get up and leave to eat alone, Grimmjow was going to follow being alone for lunch but was soon dragged into having lunch with Orihime and the rest. They all hanged outside eating under the trees talking some small talk, Rukia looked over at the new girl seeing her eating her sandwich and reading a book of some kind.

"Do you think we should go say hi?" Orihime said when she also looked over to the girl. "Maybe, you talked to her Grimmjow what do you think of her?" Rukia said and then asked when she looked at Grimmjow who was lying on the grass with his arms folded under his head. "she's interesting, not much of words and get's to the point" Grimmjow said still staring up at the blue sky above them, Ichigo looked over at her and then looking back at Grimmjow. "Weird how she act so opposite of you, almost looking like a cousin almost" Ichigo said as he chuckled at his small joke having the others chuckle as well, Grimmjow sighed for a moment when he looked over at [Y/N] for a moment and he knew Ichigo was right she was almost like him but he already knew she wasn't family she was part hollow and something else he could tell.

The bell rang again for lunch to be over, everyone stood up to go back to class again. [Y/N] stood up to also head into class as well but suddenly she blacked out falling to the ground as Grimmjow turned around to look with the others doing the same thing. "Hey you okay?" Uryu yelled out when they all rushed to her side, Grimmjow noticed the blood dripping from her mouth, he soon picked her up in his strong arms. "I'm taking her to the nurse's office, get one of the teachers!" Grimmjow said as he rushed into the school heading to the nurse's station, he placed her on one of the beds in there as the nurse's came up to check her. "Do you know this student?" she asked as she looked at Grimmjow for the answer. "Yea, um...she's my girlfriend" Grimmjow said and soon cursing himself for saying what came to his mind, but the nurse just nodded and continued to take care of [Y/N], Grimmjow never left her side as he just stared at her sleeping form hoping she would wake up soon, but the same thing rang through his mind 'girlfriend'  he only meet her today and already he wished she was his girlfriend.

But time will sure find a way to make that a reality for them both.

[A/N] 'Part Two will be up whenever, thanks for reading'     

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