🖤Chapter 1🖤

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Eddies POV
Eddie Kaspbrak is a 16 year old boy who just moved to the small town of Derry, Maine. His father, Frank Kaspbrak, died about a year ago and his mother wanted a new start. Eddie wasn't happy in the slightest. His mother became very over bearing, giving him all these pills that he had no idea what they were for and she was just smothering him. This town is so different than where he used to live in New York. No loud cars, no crowded streets, no pedestrians yelling at drivers, he didn't like it. He loved the noise and that was actually one of the ways he was able to fall asleep, which sounds crazy but it's true. His room was bigger than the one back home and he was grateful for that. His walls were a soft white color and he had pale blue curtains on his windows that he loves how they look first thing in the morning.
It was around 6pm when he decided to unpack some more boxes. He was putting his clothes away when he heard laughing outside his window. Curious as to where it was coming from, he stood up and looked out the window. He saw two boys who were talking to each other, their hands conjoined. One had curly dirty blonde hair and the other had brown-reddish hair and he was shorter than the boy with curly hair. They were talking to each other, smiling and the shorter boy leaned up and connected their lips. The action made me smile softly. I've accepted the fact that I was gay when I was 15. I told my dad and he was super supportive. I didn't wanna tell my mom because I knew she would freak out.
  I looked up from the young couple and I saw a boy in the window across the street from me. I couldn't see his face clearly, but I could see the mop of raven black curls that were on top of his head. He looked to be about my age, maybe a year older. He had a pale complexion and he was wearing black glasses on his face. He looked sad, empty. I stepped back from my window and I began to put my clothes away.
  About an hour later, I went downstairs to see my mom sitting on the new chair she got that she place in front of the TV.
"Eddie-bear, have you taken your meds?" She asked me
"No momma" I replied sheepishly
"Eddie, you know you need to take your meds so you don't get sick" she said
"Sorry momma" I went back upstairs and I grabbed the fanny pack that I kept most of my stuff in. I pulled out the container that held all my meds. I opened it and pulled out the small blue pill, the red pill and the white pill. I popped them in my mouth and dry swallowed them. I hated this. I would just not take them, but she would know. I really just wish I could go back to how things used to be. When my dad was alive, when my mom wasn't smothering me and forcing pills down my throat, when I was actually happy.


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