🖤Chapter 13🖤

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Eddies POV
It's been about a month and a half since everything with my mother happened and I could tell I've been the happiest I've ever been in my life. No more did I have to feel like I was being suffocated by the woman I called my mother. I love staying with Bill and his family and they treat me like I'm their own son and it's amazing. Georgie is just the most amazing kid. Sometimes there are days where I feel like I'm intruding but they always reassure me that I'm apart of the family.
  It feels weird not being able to look through Richies window anymore but we talk a lot more. He began telling me about his mother's side of the family and his cousin Mike who looks almost exactly like him it's so uncanny. Richie and I talk a lot more because at night sometimes I would sneak out to see him at the quarry.
I just needed to make sure that he was at least somewhat ok. Tonight was one of those nights. It was cold and I had on a jacket and I was shivering a bit with Winter approaching.
I saw Richie sitting on the bench just staring into the water of the quarry. I walked over and I sat next to him.
"Hey Rich" I said to him softly
"Hey Eddie" he replied
That was an instant red flag, he never calls me Eddie it's always Eds or Eddie Spaghetti.
"What's wrong?" I asked him
"I don't even know" he told me "My dad didn't even acknowledge me when he got home. Usually he would burst into my room and yell at me or something like that but no, nothing. And I'm feeling weird because I'm concerned for the asshole even though he hasn't been concerned for me a day in his life" he told me
"You know it's ok to care for people who are assholes to you right? It's confusing but it happens, it doesn't mean you have to forgive his actions" I told him
"I know but I don't know I'm just confused" he told me
"I know, and it's ok"
  I rested my head on his shoulder as we sat there in silence.
"Why are you sticking by me in all this?" Richie asked me
"Because you need someone and I wanna be there for you" I replied
"But why?" He asked me
I picked up my head to look at him and I saw he was already looking down at me.
I stared at him for a short moment before I decided fuck it.
   I put my hand on his cheek and I leaned up and connected our lips. There wasn't fireworks like how you hear in the books or see in the movies. It just felt, right. Like this is what was meant to happen.
   We parted and we just looked at each other.
"Please tell me that i didn't read this whole thing the wrong way and that you meant that" Richie said and I just chuckled
"No, you didn't, I like you, a lot" I told him
"I like you too" He told me
"So, where does that leave us?" I asked him
"Do you wanna try to be boyfriends?" He asked me
"Yes I would love that" I told him while smiling
He smiled and pulled me into his arms
Soon it was getting to be around 1am and we decided to leave. Richie told me he was on a try and sleep at home tonight.
He first walked me back to Bills house and he left with a soft kiss goodbye. I climbed back up to my room and I laid down on my bed just in absolute bliss with the thought of Richie Tozier being my boyfriend.


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