🖤Chapter 10🖤

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Richies POV
Today is my first day back at school in like 2 weeks. Wednesday kept replaying in my head even though it was two days ago. Eddie and I actually spoke in person, wow. It's honestly easier to talk to someone over a phone screen, especially if that someone is an adorable boy whose too good for this world. I walked into school, and I didn't see Eddie in the hallway. He usually stands outside his first class with his friends so I was confused and very concerned.
  I was actually tempted to go up to his friend and ask where he was, but I knew they all didn't like me. I didn't know where Bev was either, until I saw her in the hall with that Ben kid she's had a crush on forever. She was smiling very wide and was blushing and she just looked actually happy. I saw her kiss him and I didn't wanna ruin the moment but I needed someone to talk to and I only have one friend.
  I waited until they parted to walk up to them.
"Hey, Bev I like really need to talk to someone right now or else I'm gonna go insane" I told her
"Ok" she said to me before turning to Ben "I'll introduce you two later, I can tell he needs my help right now"
"Ok" Ben said he kissed her cheek and walked away
Bev and I began to walk behind the school. We had a special spot we go everyday to smoke or just have deep
conversations and shit. We sat down on the floor.
"Ok, what happened?" She asked me
"I haven't heard from Eddie since Wednesday and he isn't at school today" I told her "And that never happens and I'm very very concerned and very confused"
"Have you tried to call him?" She asked
"Yeah but he didn't answer"
"Maybe, you should look through his window and she what's going on" she said. She was probably most likely joking but that actually seemed like a good idea.
"You know what Marsh, imma do just that" I said grabbing my bag and standing up.
"I was joking" she said
"I'm not, thanks Red" I yelled while running in the direction of Eddies house.
When I got to his house, I couldn't see from the ground into his room. I ran into my house, thank god my father wasn't home in the daytime, and when I got to my room, I looked into Eddies room and I saw him clutching his stomach and curled up on the floor. What the hell?
I ran out my house again and I decided to climb up to his window. since his moms car wasn't in the driveway, meaning she wasn't home. I pushed up his window, which thankfully wasn't hard to open.
"Eddie" I said and he looked up at me with pleading eyes
"Ch-Chee, h-help me p-please" He stammered out
I climbed into his room and I went over and kneeled down never to him.
His face felt hot and he was sweating a lot.
"Eddie, what's wrong?" I asked him
"It h-hurts, my m-mom ma-made me take this p-pill and I feel li-like I'm dying"
"Eddie I have to call 911" I told him
"Eddie I'm sorry but I have to"
  I pulled out my phone and I called ambulance.
Eddies POV
  I woke up to a shining bright light above my head and I immediately thought I was dead, until I heard the beeps of machines. I looked over and saw Richie sitting in a chair beside my bed.
"Hey" He said softly
"Hi, how'd I get here?" I asked him
"Um, I got kinda worried about you because I went to school today and I didn't hear from you in two days and I came to your house and your we're curled up on the floor and you looked like you were in a lot of pain and you were sweaty and shaking and I called the police" he explained
"Really?" I said and he nodded
  I heard the door open and I saw a doctor walk in.
"Oh, good your awake" he said "I'm Dr. King and we ran some tests on what was wrong with you" he told me
"In your bloodstream, you seem to have ingested a medicine that hasn't been approved by the FDA and hasn't passed any health regulations and we are very concerned on how I ended up in your body" he explained
"I think it was my mom" I said in a small voice
"What do you mean your mom?" Richie said
"She's very controlling and over bearing since my dad died and she would force me to take these pills and the other day, I skipped school and she locked me in my room and she told me she was gonna feed me, but she hasn't in two days, she only came into my room and handed me a small red pill and told me to take it" I explained
"Eddie, from what I could see your mom had Munchausen by proxy, and all of what she did is considered child abuse and we are obligated to inform child services" Dr. King said
"Child Services? Does that mean I have to leave Derry?" I asked worriedly
"Probably not, there are a lot of foster parents in Derry believe in or not"
  I heard yelling from the hallway and the voice I instantly recognized as my mother's
She barged into the room and looked at me.
"Eddie-bear, what did you do?" She said
"I didn't do anything amazing, Richie found me and called an ambulance" I answered to her
"He should've minded his own business" She sneered
"Ma'am Eddie has informed us of behavior that you ensure isn't safe for your child" Dr. King said
"What do you mean isn't safe? He's the one who disobeyed me and I was discipling him" she said
"According to Eddie you've kept him locked in his room and haven't fed him in two days"
She glared at me "Eddie what did I say about what happens in the house, stays in the house"
"Ma'am we're gonna need you to step outside and go with the police to answer some questions"
A police officer showed up and another doctor practically dragged her out in the hall. I felt myself
began to cry.
"What's gonna happen to her?" I asked
"The police are gonna question her and do an investigation and we've called in to see if you will be place in a foster home, and they've already found one for you" (a/n idk how this works sorry)
"Oh, ok"


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