🖤Chapter 5🖤

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Eddie's POV
  2 months has passed and nothing has changed. Almost every night, screams, sometimes glass shattering. Those were the days Richie wasn't wearing his glasses. Some days were silent, those days I would see Richie in his room looking actually happy for once. Sometimes I would look through the window and sometimes he would catch me. It was a little back and forth thing we had going on.
  Whenever that happens the night before, he would always shoot me glances when we pass by each other in the halls. I would always smile softly at him. Stan and Bill would always tell me to stay away from him, but how could I? Something about him is so captivating. Maybe its the fact that i dont really know anything about him that draws me to him.
  I was walking Stan home one day because Bill got sick, and as much as Stan loves him, his can't handle being around someone whose sick.
  After I dropped him off, I was walking in the direction towards my house, when someone bumped into me. I saw it was the red headed girl that was always with Richie and who Ben had a crush on.
"Oh, I'm so sorry" I said
"No, I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was walking" she told me
I flashed her a small smile
"I'm Beverly" she said sticking her hand out
"I'm Eddie" I shook her hand
"I've seen you around school before" she told me
"I've seen you too, you're in my first period class"
"Oh yeah you sit behind me" she said smiling
I smiled back
She opened her bag and ripped out a piece of paper from her bag and got a pen and scribbled on it.
"Here's my number, we should hang out sometime, you seem very sweet and your adorable" she told me
  I took the paper from her hand and put it in my pocket.
"Oh, well thank you, I will"
She smiled "See you later Eddie" she said
She walked away. I continued to walk home.
                     Time Skip
  It was another quiet night. It was around 7pm when I looked out the window. I saw into Richies room and I saw him sitting on his bed with Bev. They were talking. I saw him glance outside and he saw me. He tapped Bevs arm and gestured toward the window and she saw me and I ducked quickly. I slowly looked back up and I saw them laughing. I rolled my eyes to myself. I'm so pathetic.


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