🖤Chapter 9🖤

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Eddies POV
I was in class with Bill and Stan and I was just thinking about Richie. He still hasn't been in school for 2 weeks.
Bev told me that he just didn't feel like it but we both knew that excuse was bullshit. I was spaced out and I was lost in my thoughts until I felt Stan tap my shoulder.
"Hey, you ok?" He asked me
"Uh, yeah just tired" I replied
"You sure?"
At lunch, I wanted to be by myself. I left the school and I just walked around. I got to this place that looked like a quarry. I've only seen places like these in movies.
I walked towards it and when I did, I saw the very familiar head of raven curls that I've missed.
"Richie?" I said
He turned to look at me with a look of shock on his face.
"Eddie" He said
This is the first time we've spoken in person.
"Uh, where have you been?" I asked him still not moving from my spot where I was standing.
"You know, here and there" he replied
"I'm serious, you haven't been at school and you haven't been responding to my texts" I went to go sit down in front of him, facing him.
"I know" he said
"So, do you wanna tell me why?" I asked him
"Don't worry your pretty little head about it" he said
"Richie" I said looking into his eyes "You know you can get hell if you need it right?"
"I know"
"Then, why won't you?"
"It's complicated Eds" he said
I rolled my eyes because he would always call me that over text and I would always tell him not to.
"Explain to me why it's complicated"
"It just is. I'll tell you one day, but not today ok?"
"Fine. I just want you to be safe. Unlike everyone else in this goddamn town, I actually pay attention"
"So what, you're gonna go all inspector gadget on me?" He said with a smirk
"Maybe. I just wanna get to know you better and you're a very closed book"
"And i intend to keep it that way" he said standing up "See ya later Eds" he said and then he walked away.
I stayed at the quarry until it was around the time school would be ending and I walked home. When I got home, I walked in my house and I heard my mom yell my name.
"Mom-" I began
"Don't give me any excuses, we're you doing drugs? Hanging with some delinquents?" She said
"NO!" I yelled
"Why are you being so defiant? What happened to my good little boy?" She said "Go up to your room" she said and I did as she said
I heard her lock the door behind me and when I tried to open it, it wouldn't budge.
"Until you learn to obey your mother and school policy, you won't be leaving this house" she said from the other side
"LET ME OUT!" I yelled
"I'm sorry Eddie bear, remember to take your pills, I'll be back with your dinner at 8"
  I heard her heavy footsteps walk away and I began to cry.


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