🖤Chapter 2🖤

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Eddies POV
It was around 10pm and I was laying down on my bed, when I heard shouting from outside. I couldn't hear exactly what was said but it wasn't good. How can someone yell so loud, you can hear it from across the street? I got up and went to the window and I saw the boy running from his house and who I can assume is his dad yelling at him to come back. What happened? Why am i afraid for a boy I don't even know? I backed away from the window and laid back down on my bed. I eventually fell asleep.
               The Next Day
  Derry High School. From the outside it looks intimidating, from the inside it looks intimidating. I walked in and I got my schedule from the main office.
U.S History~
I began to walk to my first period class and while I was walking, I saw the two boys from yesterday from when I was looking out the window. They were standing outside a classroom talking and they looked as happy as they did from yesterday. I continued walking until I found the room I was looking for, Room 207. I walked in and saw that the class was already filled with students talking about their summers and shit. I kept my head down and walked to a seat in the back that was open. I sat down and I just stared out the window. I looked around and saw a red head girl and she was really pretty. She walked in with her head held high and she walked and sat down in the seat in front of me. I looked back out the window and when the bell rang, the teacher began to speak. I basically sat in class spaced out for 40 minutes while the teacher talked about the expectations for the year.
  Finally when the class ended, I walked to my next class. This class had desks set up in groups of four. I sat in one of the desks in the back. Students began to pile in, everyone sitting with their friends. Soon, all the desks were filled except for the three at my table. Two more people walk in and it was those two boys again. They looked around for open seats and saw none available. They looked and saw me sitting alone and they walked over and sat down across from me.
"Hi, you new?" The one with brown-reddish hair said
"Y-yeah" I replied
"I'm Bill and this is Stan" he said
"I'm Eddie"
"What brings you to Derry?" Bill asked
"Oh, um my dad passed away and my mom wanted a fresh start"
"Oh, I'm sorry"
"Thank you"
The bell rang again and the teacher began to speak. After a while, the teacher gave up and just sat down on his computer as everyone began to talk.
"So, tell us about yourself" Stan said
"Oh, um, not much to tell, I'm 16, I moved here from New York, I'm an only child and yeah, that's about it"
"Nice" Bill said "I have a little brother, his name is Georgie and he's just a wonderful kid you know?" I smiled at that
"I have an older sister whose away at college" Stan piped up "I speak to her whenever I can"
"That's nice"
I watched as Bill played with a black ring on one of Stan's hands.
"Are you guys together?" I asked them
"Yeah, for three years" Stan said
"Awww" I said
They both blushed and smiled.
"Did you make any friends here yet?" Stan asked
"No, I haven't spoken to anyone besides you two"
"Oh, well now you have two friends, and we'll introduce you to Ben, he's the nicest person you'll ever meet. We also have another friend named Mike, but he's homeschooled"
"Can't wait" I said
"What class do you have next?"
"Oh, me too. The teacher never makes us do anything. As long as you show up it's an easy 100" Bill said
Soon class ended and Bill and I went to gym together where I met Ben. Bill was right, he was very nice. Before I knew it, it was lunch. While I was walking in the hall to the lunch room, I saw the boy from across the street and the red headed girl walking down the hall together. That's weird, I didn't see him all day, not even in the halls. He might be in the grade above me, I'm not sure. He did have raven curls as I remember. He had a sharp jawline and nice eyes, but he wasn't wearing his glasses today. He was breathtaking, but you could tell he was bad news. While they were walking, a girl called the red head a slut and the red head punched her and kept walking. My eyes widened and I continued to walk with one thought on my mind,


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