🖤Chapter 16🖤

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Richies POV
  It's been about two weeks since my dads accident. Honestly, not having to worry about your parent coming home is such a relieving feeling. I don't have to worry about anyone throwing slurs at me or hitting and kicking me. Staying with Stan has been cool. He's still sarcastic and snarky, but I can tell he doesn't dislike me as much as he did before. Bill and I are getting closer and talking a bit more and he's a pretty cool dude. Eddie and I have been doing so well and he's just adorable and small and I'm so glad he's mine.
  Usually when the four of us wanna hang out, we go to Bills house because he has a basement and that's where we spend a lot of our time. I have also met Ben and Mike formally and they're awesome. Mike and a Ben are pretty much the same person, but I can tell a Mike is more confident and Ben is more shy and reserved. I can see why Beverly fell for him, he's someone she needs in her life to keep her balanced and to help her remind her of how amazing and worthy she is.
I've been trying to go to school more, but I still skip sometimes. My grades aren't, that good, but that's only because I don't turn anything in, but I know how to do all the work. I don't know how, but I'm somewhat naturally smart. I've been going to see my dad about once a week, to make sure he isn't dead, and today was one of those days.
I didn't want Eddie in the room with me because I don't know what my dad would say about him, about us. I never knew if he was homophobic for real, or if it was just the alcohol talking. Right now, I was sitting next to his bed, on my phone texting Eddie. Every time I see his name light up on my screen I just grin.
"Who you talking to?" I heard my dad asked and I looked up at him
"Uh, no one, it's no one" I pocketed my phone
"You have that look on your face" he told me
"What look?"
"The 'I'm in love with this person and never want to let them go' look"
"N-no I don't"
"You don't have to tell me who it is, because why would you, but, are you happy with them?" He asked me
Ever since he's been sober, he's actually been nice, and not just a complete dick to me. It makes me wonder, was this how he was like before?
I nodded at his question. "Yeah, I'm super fucking happy" I said with a grin
"Don't let them go kid, don't make the same mistake as me" he told me
"Like how you did with mom?" I asked him
He sighed heavily and nodded "Yeah. I don't want you to go down the same path I did. I know I can never apologize fully for all the unspeakable things I've done and  said to you, but just know that I'm sorry"
I just blinked at him. "Thanks Dad, that's a start" I said standing up. "I gotta go Dad to meet someone, but I'll be back next week"
He smiled and nodded at me and I nodded back and I left the room.
I was going to meet Eddie at Bills house, or rather his house now, right now I was in his room with him, and I was laying my head across his lap and I looked up at him and told him what happened at the hospital as he ran a hand through my hair.
"And he was just nice and he apologized and I'm so confused right now because that man laying in the hospital is not the man who comes home and beats me" I told him
"Yeah, because that man was influenced by alcohol. Your dad hasn't had a drink since his accident, that man who just apologized to you today, that's the man who was your father before it went downhill" Eddie told me softly
"Yeah, but like, do I forgive him so quickly?" I whispered
"I don't think you should quickly, it'll take some time, but try talking to him more and getting to know him better, and have him get to know you better"
I just looked up at him and grinned. "You always know the perfect thing to say don't you?" I said softly and he smiled
"I do my best" he responded while giggling
I smiled and brought his face to mine so I could kiss his lips. He smiled against my lips and I was first to pull away and I looked him in the eyes. "You're perfect" I told him and he blushed "thanks Rich, you're perfect too"
We smiled and leaned in and kissed again.

💖Hey, it's been a while, I wanted to write because I wanted to see if it would help distract me from the shit going on with me and it did. I'm gonna slowly start begin to write again, so my updates will not be consistent but they will happen. I'm not fully there yet, but I will be. I love you all.

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