The Mysterious Castle

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Lightning. The sky flashes. The wind picks up.

Maurice urges Philippe on.

The woods are lovely, aren't they Philippe...? I only wish I recognized them. Do you know where we are? Because I don't.

As the woods get darker, a withered tree that looks like an elderly person's cane is struck by lightning.


The tree splits in two, one half falling into the road, revealing... a hidden path. Philippe whinnies nervously.

Hmm... yes, we can go this way.

One path closes, another one opens. They leave the blocked road and head down the path. Maurice * looks down to see a light snow cover on the ground. Philippe snorts.

It's all right boy, it's just a bit of snow... in June.

Suddenly, A white wolf roars out of the bushes, barely missing them. Gaze darting, Maurice notices white wolves running on an icy ledge above him. The wolves keep pace, massing to overrun him.

Go, Philippe! Hurry!
Maurice urges his horse on, but his rickety cart starts to buckle. A harness is loose.
The wolves leap in front of the cart, which comes undone, tipping over on its side. The chest of music boxes smashes open on the ground. Maurice is launched up onto a ridge and finds himself face-to-face with the snarling and scarred alpha wolf.

Terrified, Maurice turns and begins sliding down the snowy ridge towards a trio of wolves waiting below.

As Maurice drops from the ridge, Philippe appears beneath him and Maurice lands on his back!

Go! Go!

Philippe rides. Paws crush twigs, slavering jaws, eyes mad with hunger, a gleam of fangs, Philippe gallops. Maurice races toward a castle.

Maurice and Philippe speed through the gates as the wolves skid to a stop, their howls turning to yelps of fear.

Maurice stares in open-mouth awe at the mysterious castle. A grey edifice seemingly growing out of stone and reaching to troubled skies. It feels like a place hiding its face from the world.

Oh Philippe, you saved my life... They'll have to get their dinner somewhere else.

as he draws near the castle, he notices a vase filled with white rose bushes. Just beyond, he sees the door to the stables swinging in the wind. A lamp has been lit inside. As if inviting a tired traveler.

Maurice strokes Philippe's neck.

Water, fresh hay. Looks like you're set, old friend. Rest here...

Warily, Maurice peers out at the intimidating castle.

I pay my respects to our unwitting host... whoever that may be...

He leaves. Philippe stares uneasily at a statue of a horse.

Cautiously, Maurice approaches the castle door. He gazes up at a row of torches held by sculpted iron hands. The hands are so life-like, does a double-take.


Then the door opens with a creak. Maurice peers in.

Hello? Anyone home?

Silence. Flashes of lightning illuminate a once-elegant space now fallen into disrepair.

Forgive me, I don't mean to intrude. I need shelter from the storm. Hello?

Maurice puts his hat and coat on a coat rack at the entrance. Maurice turns, not seeing the coat rack shake the snow off...

Maurice explores, scanning the room and its furniture, tables, chairs, a feather duster. A mantle clock and a candelabra sitting on a table. As Maurice passes them, the candelabra slowly turns as if watching him.

The candelabra's Name is Lumière, formerly head footman to the Prince...

Must have lost his way in the woods... Lumière said whispering to the clock next to him.

Meet Cogsworth, the clock, every bit the stiff- upper-lip majordomo.

Shut up, you idiot. Cogsworth said.

Hearing this, Maurice spins but sees only an ordinary candelabra and clock on the table. Curious, he approaches, leaning down to the clock...

Mm... extraordinary.

He picks up the candelabra, inspecting it.

This is beautiful...

An echo of eerie harpsichord music makes Maurice turn toward the ballroom. He places the candelabra back down and exits.

Maurice walks through a door into a dark cavernous room. His eyes adjust to the light and he realizes he's in a vast ballroom. Once the scene of joy, the ballroom knows only solemn decay. Suddenly --

Cadenza, the piano, is a composer whom is playing the piano (himself)

Oops! Cadenza said.

The harpsichord stops playing. Wary, Maurice goes back to the Foyer

Maurice crosses to a crackling fire, speaking to his unseen host.

Wherever you are, I'm just going to warm myself by the fire...

Maurice warms his frozen fingers, rubs his hands together to spread the heat.

That's better. Oh, much better...

As Maurice turns to warm his backside, he hears the clink of...

A man of taste. Whispered Lumière

He was talking about me. Whispered back Cogsworth

Maurice enters to find a vast dining room dominated by a banquet table where a meal has been set out.

Oh, thank you!

As Maurice looks around for something to wash down the food, a cup of tea slides into his hand. Maurice calmly gives the cup a double-take.

Meet CHIP, an 8 year-old boy tea cup. The same age as little Calliope

He whispers Mom said I wasn't supposed to move
because it might be scary. Sorry.

Maurice chews, smiles benevolently.

It's all right. He says And bolts from the table.

Like any sane person, Maurice backs toward the door. He bows and calls into the shadows...

Thank you. Really, I cannot thank you
enough for your hospitality...

he takes his coat and hat

... And kindness.

A flash of lightning briefly illuminates a beastly shape on the staircase. At the next flash the shape is gone!

Maurice rides Philippe away from the castle. He notices the colonnade filled with rose bushes again.

Roses! Yes...

Maurice dismounts, checking to see that he hasn't been followed from the castle. He strokes his nervous horse, leaving him outside as he enters.

Can't go home empty handed... I promised Addie and Callie a rose, didn't I? I think it's safe...

A glimpse of a dark shape moving atop the colonnade. A taloned paw. A swishing tail.
Philippe snorts, sensing danger. Maurice spies two perfect white roses among the others Maurice reaches for it.


Pricked by a thorn, he pulls his hand back then tries again. He picks the roses only to hear a booming roar from above.

Maurice terrified as the dark shape leaps down from the colonnade. Maurice drops the roses, stumbling and falling as a dark shadow is cast over him.
Philippe breaks his harness, whinnies in terror and flees, charging through the castle grounds and out the ice gates going back to Adeline.

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