Days In The Sun

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The beast lies in his old human bed. Adeline dabs a large gash on the beast's arm. The beast bares his fangs and lets out a roar.

ROOOOAARRRR! Ow! That hurts!

If you held still, it wouldn't hurt as much.

If you hadn't run away, none of this would have happened.

Well if you hadn't frightened me, I wouldn't have run away.

The household staff anxiously watches the battle of words.

Well you shouldn't have been in the west wing.

Well you should learn to control your temper.

The beast is momentarily silenced. Adeline looks down at the wound she has been dabbing. It's worse than she thought.

Try to get some rest.

The beast's breath slows to a low rumble as his eyes slip shut.

Thank you, Miss. Said Mrs. Potts

We are eternally grateful. Lumière said.

Why do you care so much about him? Adeline said

We've looked after him all his life. Said Mrs. Potts

But he has cursed you somehow. Why? You did nothing. Adeline said

You're quite right there, dear. You see, when the master lost his mother, and his cruel father took that sweet innocent lad and twisted him up to be just like him... we did nothing. Mrs. Potts said.

Adeline notes their shame but also realizing that he lost his mother. Just as we hear the first notes of a beautiful melody coming from the ballroom downstairs.

Let him sleep. Lumière said.

As the staff and Adeline exit, the beast stirs. We move from his face, shivering in a fever dream, to discover...

A young prince, The Beast gazes down sadly.

Days in the sun
When my life has barely begun

We move around to reveal that he is looking at the pale body of the Queen on her deathbed.

Not until my own life is done. Will I ever leave you

Behind the young beast, a figure approaches...

his father.

Cruelty written on his face. Placing his large hand on the boy's shoulder, he pulls him out of the room.

In the gloomy ballroom, Cadenza plays the beautiful melody.

Will I tremble again, To my dear one's gorgeous refrain?

The melody drifts through the ballroom until we find Lumière and Plumette, dancing

Will you now forever remain... Out of reach of my arms?

Drifting to Mrs.Potts and Chip,as she tucks him into bed in the cupboard she sings

Oh those days in the sun
What I'd give to relive just one Undo what's done
And bring back the light

The melody wafts up to Adeline's room

Madame de Garderobe joins in,

O I could sing
Of the pain these dark days bring The spell we're under Still it's the wonder of us. I sing of tonight

Adeline turns to the window, sings

How in the midst of all this sorrow Can so much hope and love endure? I was innocent and certain
Now I'm wiser but unsure I can feel the change in me I'm stronger now but still not free

Madame de Garderobe sang,

Days in the past
Ah those precious days couldn't last
Oh hold me closer

The Next day, The beast's eyes are closed as he feels his "mother's" hand on his head one more time. The whole staff looks on

Days in the sun
Will return we must believe As lovers do
That days in the sun
Will come shining through

The beast opens his eyes weakly, takes in the low light of sunrise. As his vision adjusts, the silhouetted figure by his bedside is revealed. Not his mother, but Adeline. A smile forms on his lips, and he closes his eyes again.

In the glass jar, a petal drops as if floating on the melody. Adeline crosses to it.

What happens when the last petal falls?

The master remains a beast forever. And the rest of us become...

Antiques. Mrs Potts said.

Knickknacks. Lumière said.

Lightly used houseware. Plumette said.

Rubbish. We become rubbish. Cogsworth said

I want to help you. There must be some way to lift the curse. Adeline said.

The staff exchange looks.

Well, there is one...

Lumière candle-smacks Cogsworth, leaving a waxy smear on his face.

It's not for you to worry about, lamb. We've made our bed and we must lie in it.

The Beast opens his eyes, he's been listening. The years of shame and anguish haunt his face as he begins to remember what it is to be human.

Maurice sleeps. Suddenly, we hear the branches crack around him. The sound gets closer, and just when we think that wolves have found Maurice, we see a hooded figure emerges from the woods. The figure looks at Maurice, his breathing making fog in the cold. Alarmed, the figure rushes up and pulls down the hood to reveal, Agathe. The beggar woman.

Agathe, her arm around Maurice, guides him into a shelter in a small clearing. Gently, she lays him down and removes her cloak, spreading it over him for warmth.

She pulls a bundle off her back and rifles through it, removes herbs, a mortar and pestle, and expertly whips up a concoction that she brings to Maurice's lips.


He blinks, reviving, as he drinks it down.

Thank you... Agathe.

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