Join Me for Dinner!

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In the Kitchen, The staff is excited as they scramble to get ready for dinner. Chip, the 8 year-old tea cup, whom is Calliope's age. rides his saucer around like a skateboard. He circles his teapot mother Mrs. Potts, a no nonsense yet loving governess.

Mama, there's a girl in the castle!

Yes, Chip. We know. Slow down.

Is she pretty? Is she nice? What kind of tea does she like?

We'll find out soon enough. Slow down before you break your handle!

But Chip doesn't slow down. Before Mrs. Potts can chase, Cuisinièr, the frustrated French chef-turned-oven, pours hot water into her to prepare tea.

Heads up, Mrs. Potts!

She flushes and reacts with pleasure as if stepping into a warm bath.

The beast enters the dining room and sits at one end of a long dining table. He looks at his place setting, surprised to find flatware and crystal. Confused, he looks up.

The Beast rises to find another place setting at the other end of the long table. When he notices the romantic candles, he swats his own place setting off the table in anger.

A voice bellowing from the dining room causes Lumiere and Cogsworth to turn.


Cogsworth balks with terror.

Be calm, let me do the talking. Said Lumière

A fuming beast storms in, and looks down at the assembled staff. Lumière is as good a liar as Cogsworth is not.


We thought you might appreciate the company. Said Lumière

Master, I can assure you that I had no part in this hopeless plan. Preparing a dinner, designing a gown for her, giving her a suite in the east wing...


Cornered by the beast, Cogsworth has no choice but to...

No no, he gave her a bedroom.

That is true. But if the girl is the one who can break the spell, maybe you can start by using dinner to charm her.

(Lumière turns to Cogsworth) Good thinking, Cogsworth!


That's the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard! "Charm the prisoner." Said the Beast

You must try, master. With every passing day, we become less human. Said Lumière

She's the daughter of a common thief. What kind of person do you think that makes her?

Oh, you can't judge people by who their father is, now can you? Mrs Potts said

It's a loaded statement. The staff cringes, ready for his retaliation. Instead, a grunt, and then...


The beast stands at Adeline's door while his
servants stand by his side to play Cyrano.

You will join me for dinner! That's not a request.

Gently, master. The girl lost her father, her sister and her freedom in one day.

Yes. The poor thing is probably in there, scared to death. Lumière said.

Exactly. Mrs. Potts said.

Actually, Adeline has been actively planning her escape. Her makeshift rope of fabric hangs 50 feet out of the window.


Just a minute!

The servants react to hearing Adeline's voice.

You see, there she is. Now, master, remember. Be gentle.


The words fly as they bury the beast with advice.

And when she opens the door, give her a dashing debonair smile. Come come, show me the smile. Lumière said.

The beast flashes the most hideous grin anyone has ever seen. The staff gasps in horror.

Oh mon dieu.

Contorting his mouth, the beast turns back to the door.
Will you join me for dinner?

Adeline moves to the door...

You've taken me prisoner and now you want to have dinner with me? Are you insane?

The beast's temper rises, his eyebrows twitch, his tail thrashes recognizing the signs, Plumette inches away

He's losing it... said Plumette

The beast beats his fist on the door


I told you to come down to dinner.

Adeline hits back.


And I told you no!

All the banging finally wakes up Madame de Garderobe.


I'd starve before I ever ate with you!

Well be my guest! Go ahead and starve!

If she doesn't eat with me, then she doesn't eat at all!

The staff hides, terrified, as the beast thunders off.


Once the coast is clear, Cogsworth comes out of hiding with a sword and puts on a show of bravery.

You can't talk to us like that! I forbid it! I... I... (to Lumière) Am I too late? Shame. I was really going to tell him off this time.

Oh master, you've returned!

Cogsworth shrieks and spins only to realize he's been fooled.

Oh, very funny.

Eh, I got you there!

Fuming, the beast returns to his lair a chamber of shredded furniture and walls ruined in rage. He paces, muttering. He grabs a decaying hand mirror

Show me the girl.

The mirror lights up and gives him a view of Adeline at the bedroom door. She turns, slides down the wall, and curls her knees up to her. A look of dread on her face.

Her fear crushes the beast. The mirror magic fades, and he is left with his own reflection and self-loathing. He lowers the mirror to reveal the glass jar by the open window...

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