Kill the Beast!

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A horse-drawn asylum wagon thunders into the square where Maurice and Calliope is surrounded by taunting villagers. The eerie driver steps out as Tom, Dick and Stanley throw Maurice and Calliope into his cage on wheels. Villagers approach the wagon like 18th century rubberneckers.

Gaston leans into the wagon. The gathering crowd is just loud enough to mask a private plea to Maurice...

Have you ever seen the inside of a mad house, Maurice? You and your youngest daughter wouldn't last a week. Just give me your eldest daughter's hand, and I'll set you two free.


Gaston clenches his jaw and locks the door with a clank.

Take him away!

The wagon begins to move. The rubberneckers watch the wagon until they are silenced by a loud...


Adeline's voice cuts through the crowd. They turn and gape at Adeline, dazzling in her evening gown. The crowd parts before her as she dismounts Philippe and moves to the wagon. They whisper as she passes

"Adeline..." "Where did she come from?", "Is that Adeline..." "Look at that dress..."

Gaston stares, slack-jawed, unable to believe his eyes. We linger on the jealous village lasses, the puzzled Jean, the confused LeFou, the foul-tempered Clothilde, the bewildered
Pere Robert, and in the shadows... Agathe.

Adeline fearlessly strides right in front of the wagon. The horses jump up, startled. Adeline runs to the locked door.

Adeline? Said Calliope

I thought We thought we lost you! Said her father

Adeline sees her father and sister injured on the floor of the wagon.

Open this door! They're hurt!

Monsieur d'Arque climbs down to calm her.

I'm afraid we can't do that, miss. But we'll take very good care of them.

My family is not crazy! Gaston... Tell him!

Adeline, you know how loyal I am to your family, but your father and sister has been making some unbelievable claims.

It's true, Adeline. He's been raving about a beast in a castle.

I have just come from the castle and there is a beast!

We all admire your devotion to your father and sister, but you'd say anything to free them. Your word is hardly proof.

Adeline pulls out the magic mirror from her sash.

You want proof? SHOW ME THE BEAST!

In the mirror, the beast sits slumped against a turret wall. The villagers gasp. Gaston's face registers shock.

There is your proof!

This is sorcery!

Gaston snatches the mirror from Adeline and holds it up to the villagers.

Look at this beast. Look at his fangs, his claws.

The villagers recoil in fright. *

No, don't be afraid. He is gentle and kind.

The monster has put her under a spell! If I didn't know better, I'd say she even cared for him.

He's not a monster, Gaston. You are. The beast would never hurt anyone.

I have heard of the effects of dark magic, but never seen it with my own eyes before! This is a threat to our very existence!

Raucous cries of "Gaston Gaston Gaston!" rise. Gaston holds the mirror up.

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