New People, New Objects

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Adeline huddled in the corner. The cell door swings opens.

Forgive my intrusion, mademoiselle, but I have been sent to escort you to your room. Said Lumière

Adeline wipes her tears and stands. She grabs a small stool, ready to strike.

My room? But I thought --

What? "That once this door closes it will not open again, RARRR?" I know, he gets so dramatic. Lumière said.

Adeline bounds out of the cell, raising the stool to hit a grown man. Instead, she sees... a candelabra wave at her.

Allo. Said Lumière.
AHHHH! Screamed Adeline.
Like seeing a mouse, Adeline bashes the candelabra. It grunts as it clatters on the stone floor. The candles extinguished.

Whoosh -- the first candle relights. Whoosh -- the second. *Illuminated by the two arm candles, Adeline makes out eyes and a rudimentary "face" in the design.

Lumière said while recovering, Oh, you are very strong. That's a * great quality!

What are you?

The arms light the main candle to reveal a rakish smile.

I am Lumière.

And you can talk.

Cogsworth appears, out of breath.

Of course he can talk, it's all he ever does! Now Lumiere, as head of the household, I demand that you put her back in the cell at once!

Officially freaked out now, Adeline retreats to her cell, in search of a better weapon.

Lumière * What do you want to be for the rest of your life, Cogsworth: a man or a mantle * clock?

They turn back to Adeline, re-emerging from the cell.

Ready, miss? Said Lumière, (to Cogsworth) Trust me.

Holding Lumière, Adeline follows Cogsworth across a stone walkway high above the grounds. Her eyes dart, looking for an escape route. Instead, she sees how vast the castle and woods are.

You must forgive first impressions, I hope you are not too startled.

Why would I be startled? I'm talking to a candle...

Candelabra, please. Enormous difference. But consider me at your service. The castle is your home now, so feel free to go anywhere you like --

Except the west wing!

Lumière throws him a 'would-you-please-shut-up' look.

Which we do not have.
Why, what's in the west wing?
Uh... nothing. Storage space. That's it. Lumière said.
Adeline looks back at the spooky tower of the west wing.

This way, please! Lumière said.
To the east wing. Cogsworth said.
Or as I like to call it, the only wing! Watch your step s'il vous plait.

Adeline stands outside the bedroom door, anticipating worse

Welcome to your new home. It's
modest, but comfortable...

Instead, the door opens to -- a bedroom
The ceiling is a painting of white clouds in a blue sky. There is a
Large dressed and a comfortable bed. Opulence.

It's... beautiful. Adeline said.

Of course. Master wanted you to have the finest room in the castle.

Lumière leaps onto the bed and - POOF - dust fills the air.

Oh dear! We were not expecting guests. Said Lumière
Plumette, a feather duster, whom is also Lumière's lover, swoops into the room, giving the * surfaces a quick dusting.

Enchanté, Mademoiselle! Don't worry, I'll have this room spotless in no time!
She lands in the arms of Lumière, whose candles burn a little hotter once she speaks in her sexy French accent.

This plan of yours is... dangerous. Said Plumette whispering to Lumière

I would risk anything to kiss you again,

He moves to embrace her, but she stops him.

No, my love. I've been burned by you before. We must be strong.

How can I be strong when you make me so weak?

Cogsworth clears his throat. Adeline backs away from the strange creatures.

Is everything here alive?

She picked up a hair brush

Hello, what's your name?

Cogsworth looks up at her, puzzled.

Um... that's a hair brush. He said while Plumette and Lumière were giggling.

Adeline hears a loud snore behind her, and turns to see the dressed bursting open with an operatic "laaaaaa!" Adeline * shrieks and steps back. *

Do not be alarmed, mademoiselle. This is just your wardrobe. Said Lumière

Meet Madame De Garderobe. The Wardrobe whom is the wife of Cardenas and also is A great singer.

When she can stay awake. Said Cogsworth

Cogsworth! A diva needs her beauty rrr-

Madame De Garderobe yawns loudly.

Ah, stay with us, Madame! We have someone for you to dress! Garderobe's gilded arms stroke Adeline's shoulder and face.

Finally. A woman. Pretty eyes. Proud face. Perfect canvas. Yes! I will find you something worthy of a princess.

But I'm not a princess.

Nonsense! Now, let's see what I've got in my drawers.

Garderobe's doors open and a few moths fly out.

Oh, how embarrassing.

Garderobe places a large gown over Adeline's head,and proceeds to create an outfit using fabric and her pinking shearhands.

Froufrou, a piano stool, which is Cadenza and Madame Garderobe's dog comes running in barking.

Come here, Froufrou. Come help mama!

Froufrou tugs at the fabric, helping Garderobe complete the outfit which is garish and too too much, all wrong for Adeline


Lumière and Cogsworth put on a game smile.

Mm. Subtle. Understated. I love it! Lumière said

With a deep bow and a whistle for Froufrou, Lumière drags Cogsworth out. Plumette and Froufrou follow. Garderobe calls out after her beloved dog.

Froufrou, send my love to the maestro!

The door closes. Adeline is alone. Garderobe instantly falls asleep with a big snore. Adeline has one beat of... where the hell am I? She ducks down, then crawls out from underneath
the enormous dress, which remains standing. Adeline looks around the room with one thing in mind: escape. She quickly moves to the window. Opens it. She looks down at the 100 foot drop leading to the grounds. Adeline turns back to the room, and gazes at the dress. An idea taking shape.

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