The Objects vs Mob

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The battering ram smashes again.

Kill the beast! Kill the beast! Said the mob

The castle staff has now vanished, their barricade dismantled. A series of bolts on the door slide open one by one, top to bottom. The door unlocking itself...

The battering ram smashes the door one last time...

Kill the beast! Kill the beast!

The door swings open easily and the mob tumbles inside, to find it empty. Met by eerie silence, Gaston and the mob cautiously enter. The door barely hangs on its hinges. Villagers hold up torches. The flickering light reveals furniture. Chairs. A coat rack. A feather duster. A candelabra. A tea pot and teacup. A harpsichord.

Are you not the least bit concerned that this castle might be haunted? Said LeFou

Don't lose your nerve, LeFou.

Gaston looks into the mirror. LeFou notices Mrs. Potts. Brings his torch close to study her. Jean the potter stares at the eerie castle foyer

This place seems familiar... like I've been here before...

Gaston approaches the west wing stairs. LeFou brings his face down to the tea pot and teacup.

You must be the talking teacup. And you must be his grandmother.

Mrs. Potts' eyes open. Furious.

Grand-mother? ATTACK!

LeFou jumps back. ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE as the furniture comes alive. Chairs kick the shins of several villagers. Plumette feathers villagers' faces furiously, causing them to have sneezing fits. As other villagers funnel in, the "Lend-a-Hand" lights outside the door bonk several of them on the head. They're alive after all.

Chapeau spins Gaston around and is about to land a blow when Gaston grabs LeFou and puts him in the line of fire. LeFou becomes a human punching bag as Cadenza approaches and rears up on his hind legs. His shadow falls across Gaston, who dives out of the way leaving LeFou exposed.


Cadenza comes crashing down on LeFou, squashing him flat. Gaston looks down at his friend. *

Gaston... help...

Gaston looks from LeFou to the enchanted mirror, then to the grand staircase.

Sorry, old friend. It's hero time.

Gaston rushes up the staircase.

Monsieur d'Arque paces in the square, when his door to the asylum wagon is ajar. He runs to
flings open the doors, only to find it empty. D'Arque slams the doors shut and there's Maurice, smiling beside him.

Hello. Oh, I believe this is yours.

Maurice casually hands the wagon's padlock to Monsieur d'Arque just as Adeline and Calliope ride past on Philippe! As they charge out of the village gates, Adeline tosses her ball gown to the ground.

Maurice waves to them proudly, then turns back to d'Arque.

They're very headstrong. Do you have children?

LeFou, bruised but alive, opens his eyes, sits up when Plumette furiously begins feathering his face.

No one to protect you now, eh?!

LeFou swats and Plumette flies away, laughing.

Gaston finds himself at the landing of two staircases. Unsure which one leads to the beast, he holds up the mirror, which illuminates the right way. Gaston bounds up them.

Chip rapidly fires saucers at attackers, counting them off as he dispatches them with glee.
One! Two! Three! Four! Five!

Above, Cogsworth looks down from the balcony, a tinhorn general surveying the battlefield.

Good show, Chip my boy!
Just then, a platoon of books arrive on the large table from the library, battle-ready.

Excellent! The infantry's arrived. Now go and teach them a lesson!

The books rocket down into the fray, wacking villager after villager.

Yes, those are called books, you third-rate musketeers!

This draws the attention of Tom, Dick and Stanley. Cogsworth shudders

Oh, I'm off!

Cogsworth jumps down from the balustrade, as they bound up the stairs. They face off against Cogsworth, and he backs up quickly.

Ah, terribly sorry, pardon me, I'm just a clock!

Suddenly, Garderobe leaps out, blocking the brutes' path, and unfurls her fabric, wrapping them up.

Yes, that's it... put it on... pretty little boys!

Tom and Dick look at each other and shriek, horrified at their girly make-overs. Stanley, however, doesn't seem to mind his new look. Garderobe cackles.

Go! Be free! Be free! Be FREE!

Adeline and Calliope on Philippe. She whips past the withered tree and down the path toward the castle grounds.

From the balcony, Mrs. Potts leaps onto a chandelier

How do you take your tea?! Piping hot?! Or boiling?!

and douses villagers below with boiling water. She looks down seeing Jean the potter and gasps.

Mister Potts?!

Suddenly, Mrs. Potts slips and drops down towards the floor. Jean the potter looks on in confusion. Chip looks on in terror.


But just as she's about to shatter, she is caught by a pair of human hands. Mrs. Potts gazes up at LeFou, who seems as surprised as she does.

Oh! Thank you.

Suddenly, two villagers charge at LeFou from either side. LeFou ducks, the villagers wallop one another, Mrs. Potts spits hot water in their faces, and LeFou punches one out to finish the job.

Nicely handled!

Well I used to be on Gaston's side, but we're in a bad place right now.

You're too good for him anyway...

LeFou nods, emotional.

Shall we get back to it, then?!

Below, Cadenza bucks and rages against villagers, besting them repeatedly as he plays elaborate trills.

Such sweet music! Ha ha, I'll play you like a concerto!

Clothilde watches this, and seethes.

Silence that harpsichord!
Clothilde's cry rallies a group of villagers, who raise their axes to turn maestro Cadenza into firewood.


Cadenza looks up to see his wife

Darling! At last!

I'm coming, my love! That's it! The fat lady is singing!

Garderobe belts out a deafening high note and throws her massive girth off the balcony, sending Clothilde and the villagers below scattering. She lands with a graceful this.

Bravissima! Cadenza said.

Before the villagers can retaliate, Cadenza's "teeth" shoot out of his mouth like machine gun rounds. BAM BAM BAM! Lumière runs around with gunpowder trail, creating a line of firecracker explosions that send villagers scattering.

Watch your toes!

In the chaos, we find Agathe, moving quietly through the villagers and up the stairs. What is she up to?

As villagers pour out the doors, Lumière and Cogsworth meet
at the base of the stairs.

Bon voyage! Safe trip home!

And stay out!

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