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"What are you doing here?!" Caitlin asked.

Quickly, Barry turned around from leaning on her car.

"Caitlin..." he said.

"Who is this guy?" Noah asked.

"Just an old friend," Caitlin replied.

"Who's he?" Barry asked.

"He's Melony's teacher."

"Hi, I'm Noah Salvino," Noah respectfully put his hand out to shake Barry's.

"Barry Allen," Barry shook his hand, then sent a look at Caitlin reading, 'can we talk alone.'

"Noah, do you mind getting Mel for me?" Caitlin asked.

"No problem," he complied, heading towards the park, which was right next to the school.

"Why are you here, Barry, and how did you find out where I was?" Caitlin asked.

"I may not have as many Ph.D.'s like you and Cisco but I can tell something is going on when he said he was going on a bowling tournament over the weekend, let alone every week. I placed a tracker on him before he left for this time and it led me to Midway," Barry replied.

"Wow, way to respect our privacy."

"Look, I'm sorry about that. But Caitlin, I came here to tell you to come home. Move back to Central City. We need you, you need us, we're a family."

"Can people stop saying that!" Caitlin groaned, "that we're a family because we're not. We can't be a family. Not with you."

"Why not, Caitlin?"


Savitar sat behind Frost as he acted as her headboard as he leaned up against the concrete wall. They both had their hands on her barely noticeable bump.

"Do you think she'll have both our powers?" Frost asked.


"Yeah, she. I can feel it..." Frost replied.

"No matter if she has both our powers or none, I know she'll be amazing," Savitar smiled. "We'll be a family."

Frost smiled, leaning her face up so she could peck a kiss on Savitar's chin.


(Loosely based around 3x23)

"What are you going to do?" Frost asked worriedly. Savitar had just sensed a memory or Barry waiting and calling to talk to him outside, near the lair.

"I honestly don't know..." he sighed, "but I obviously can't show that... besides, I still have you and our little one."

"Well, you won't have us if you disappear from existence. Just tell me you have a game plan."

"Look," Savitar sighed, "Cisco is still in there building the speed force cannon, and no matter what I know what Barry is planning."

"Alright..." Frost replied. "Just be careful," she said, reluctantly letting go of his hand as he left to go meet with Barry.

"I promise, I won't leave you."


It was three hours before HR's funeral service, Frost was still sitting, leaning against the uncomfortable concrete wall of Savitar's lair.

She wiped her tears away from her eyes, to be honest, she didn't know who she was crying for. Savitar, her love, the one who understood her, the father of her child, was now gone. And HR a fellow teammate, a friend, a family member, now dead, partly because of her involvement.

...end of flashback...

"Why not Caitlin?!" Barry repeated.

"Because, Barry!..." Caitlin sighed, breathing slowly in order to calm down. "Because, whenever I and any combination of team flash call themselves a family. I or someone gets hurt. And I'm used to getting hurt, left, kidnapped, whatever. But if anything ever happens to my little girl. I don't think I'd be able to hold myself back..."

Caitlin gave Barry a stern look with her final statement.

"But that's what family, we help each other through the hurt," Barry responded.

Caitlin shook her head. "You don't get it, Barry," she said, unlocking her car door and reaching for the handle.

"What don't I get Caitlin?" Barry asked, stepping in her way.

Caitlin let out a frustrated sighed. "You know Barry, I really should've listened to Ronnie and left when I still had a chance at an ordinary life... With you, it just makes it impossible to even try."

Before Barry could respond, Noah came back holding Melony's hand as she skipped across the parking lot towards them.

"I'm back, and look who I got!" Noah laughed as Mel swung on his arm.

Quickly, Caitlin pushed Barry out of her way opening the car door to place her bag in the seat. Then opening the backdoor to put Melony in her car seat.

As the little girl and her chaperone approached. Barry couldn't help but notice something odd.

"That's her? She doesn't look anything like Julian..." he murmured so that only he and Caitlin could hear causing her to more frantically buckle Mel into her seat. "Her eyes..." Barry said noticing that they were a shade of green.

"Mommy, who is he?" Melony asked.

"He's just an old friend of mommy, okay hon," Caitlin smiled, before closing the door.

"Thank you for getting her, Noah," Caitlin said, "Maybe we can set up a time next time we see each other."

"Counting on it," he replied before leaving.

Caitlin then turned to enter her car, but Barry again stood in the way.

"Who is her dad, Caitlin?" Barry asked sternly.

Ignoring his question, Caitlin pushed him away from the door again avoiding eye contact.

"I think it's time you go now, Barry," she entered her car, shutting the door. Starting the car, she waited for Barry to leave first. He stood there for a minute, just pondering, then walked away.



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