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Boom! Crash!

Sparks flew across the Cortex and cold fog filled the air so that it was hard to see. The buzzing sound of Melony moving at superspeed added the symphony of beeping broken computers and sparks, as a white/electric blue lightning surrounded the room.

"Barry!" Cisco yelled running into the room, "what the heck just happened?!"

"I don't know!" Barry replied following his voice. "I took off Mel's necklace and the next thing I knew there was an explosion of frost and lightning."

"Where's Mel?" Cisco questioned.

"I'm gonna assume that blur?" Barry said, finally finding Cisco through the fog and lightning. "I'm going to go into flash time, calm her down, and get her to stop. Find a way to clear all this fog before Caitlin gets back."

Cisco nodded and they went to work.

"Melony!" Barry yelled as he walked through the cold fog, nearly slipping in a patch of ice.

"Uncle Barry!" Barry heard the child sob.." what's happening?! I'm scared!" She asked as Barry found her running uncontrollably, leaving a trail of ice behind her. Her hair was snow-white and her eyes were electric blue. He managed to stop her from running but as soon as he touched her his hands froze.

"Ah!" Barry yelled as he exited out of flash time abruptly, throwing him to the ground.

"What's going on!?" Barry heard Caitlin yell as she entered the Cortex. It was unfortunate timing for Cisco to have figured a way to vent out all the cold fog. "Oh my god, Melony!" Caitlin yelled as the vibrating figure of the little girl ran towards her mother.

"Caitlin, your back..." Barry said.

Caitlin kneeled down to hold her (Caitlin is unaffected by Melony's uncontrollable freezing), quickly finding her necklace and putting it back on. As soon as it was back on, Melony slowly stopped vibrating. Melony, traumatized by what just happened and what she just did, held her mother tight and cried into the side of her neck, tucking her teary face away.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Caitlin yelled as she stood up, cradling crying Mel.

"I just took her necklace off," Barry responded. "I didn't know-"

"Who said you could do that!?"

"I'm sorry, Cait. I didn't know, I thought it was just a necklace."

"It's not! Look at what you did! She wasn't ready to know yet, now she's going to be traumatized to learn how to use her powers, and then how will she be able to control them."

"I'm sorry, Caitlin..."

"Why did you even take it off?!"

"Mel told me who you got it from..."

"Are you serious! I knew you were still bothered about the whole Savitar thing," Caitlin replied, going into the medbay to set Melony down, who was now napping, and back out to the Cortex.

"Caitlin, he tried to kill Iris! I just don't want any part of him near me."

"Mel is his daughter! So do you not want anything to do with her?!" Caitlin yelled, referring to her and Mel.

"What? No!" Barry said quickly to try and correct himself. "No, look I'm sorry, Cait."

"No, I'm sorry, Barry. Sorry that I fell in love with one of your greatest enemies and had a daughter with him. I'm sorry that I thought we could just come back and pretend that there would never be even the tiniest bit of resentment from you because of that. I'm sorry that I thought it was ready to move back!"

"What? No, Caitlin, please. I don't resent Melony, she's like-" Barry sighed.

"She's like what Barry? She's not like your daughter. You don't know anything about her, like how she is allergic to pecans, or that she has a fear of caterpillars, or that her powers have to be contained until she is old enough to control them because her body right now is too small and young now to handle how strong they are. I know Savitar wasn't the best guy but he is still her father. I let you play fun Uncle, Barry but no one told you you could take off her necklace!"

"Caitlin, it was just a necklace!"

"It was her father's necklace, Barry! Savitar's necklace. It was there to contain her powers but also to keep his memory alive."

"Why would you want to keep the memory of that lunatic alive?! Did you not hear me? He tried to kill Iris, he killed HR! Do you think that's the type of man Mel wants to be her father?! Do you think it's good for Mel to remember such an evil villain? How could you love him? How stupid crazy would you have to be to sleep with such an evil psychopath?!"

There was a loud slap and then silence. Even for being the fastest man alive, Barry didn't see that coming. Caitlin struck her palm straight across Barry's face, so hard his cheek was slightly red. Too angry to even say another word, Caitlin picked up her bag and Mel and left.

"I'll tell Joe diner's off," Cisco said awkwardly, before running off as well.

Ah, snowbarry fights! :) or :(


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