A Nice Day... Kind of...

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I woke up to the buzzing of my alarm.

Ugh, is it Sunday already?

Dragging myself out of bed, I threw on some clothes and made my way downstairs. My mom was sitting at the table, drinking her coffee, while my dad was packing his things for work. He seemed to be flustered this morning as his glasses were hanging down on his nose and his shirt and tie were wrinkled instead of ironed, like normal. His short, black hair was messy like he just got out of bed. He picked up his backpack and started heading towards the door.

He must be really stressed.

"Wait dad! You forgot your journal."

He ran back over to the table and picked up the worn out book, "Thanks, I would have been in serious trouble if I would've forgotten about this." He chuckled and hugged me before making his way back to the door, "See you guys tonight!"

When the door closed, my mom picked up his coffee mug and began cleaning up their breakfast dishes. Walking into the kitchen she yelled back to me, "So are you still going out to breakfast with Henry this morning?"

I walked into the kitchen, picking up a towel to help dry the dishes off, "Yeah if you don't need my help around here."

She tied her long, brown hair into a messy ponytail, "Don't worry about me. Go have fun today. I was actually thinking of going out to get groceries anyways."

We fell into silence for a bit, washing away at the dishes. My mom broke first, "So... do you like anyone at school?"

I threw my head back and sighed, "Oh god, don't get into this. Please."

She laughed at me, "What? You barely ever come out of your room without a book in your hand. Just tell me. I promise I won't tell...."

I shook my head, "You are almost as bad as Henry."

"Please...," She gave me these puppy dog eyes that made me laugh.

"Fine... there is this one girl that is really nice."

My mom looked surprised as she turned the tap off, "Wait! I thought you were gay."

I laughed, "I am bisexual so yeah kind of."

"Oh... Well do I get anymore details?"

I smirked, "Nope."

She turned the tap back on, "Well, thanks for telling me."

I glanced down at my watch.

Shit, I was supposed to leave five minutes ago.

I am not the best at getting to places on time.

"Hey, I have to get going."

She looked over at the clock, "Oh, already... Well I hope you have a good time. Don't worry about getting home at a certain time, you can take as much as you want."

I gave her a hug then walked towards the door, "Thank you. I will see you later."

"I love you!"

I grabbed my leather jacket with my keys and ran out to my bike. My neighbors black labrador came running to the fence with her tale wagging. She jumped up so her front legs were on the top of the fence.

This dog is so crazy sometimes.

She licked my arm as I pet her silky fur, "Hey Macy! You're such a good girl!"

I love dogs even though my parents won't let me have one.


My neighbor, Josh, walked out onto the porch, with a leash in his hand, "Oh hey Ben! I was just about to take her for a walk. Do you want to come with?"

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