Gas Station

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As we walked out of the cafe and to my bike, I saw Luna with a mischievous look in her eye. I stopped, looking at her, "What are you thinking?"

"I was wondering if I could drive for a bit."

My mind filled with images of us crashing and dying, "No!"

"Oh come on! Please!"

"Hell no!"

She gave me these big puppy dog eyes, "Just for a bit. I promise I won't go to fast. You can show me and we can stop anytime you want."

I thought about for a second.

It is only for a bit... No! Shut up stupid brain!

"Please Ben! You owe me for making me worry so much."

Oh no she is guilt tripping me.

I let out a big breath, "Fine."

She jumped up and threw her arms around me, "Yes! Thank you!"

I looked over at Macy who was giving me this weird look with her head cocked sideways.

I know this isn't a good idea. What else am I supposed to do? I just want to make her happy again.

She finally released her tight gripped on my body, causing me to almost fall to the ground, taking deep breaths. She laughed, "Sorry I am as energetic as a five year old sometimes."

Pulled the keys from my pocket handing them to her, "Trust me. I know. A couple days with you and I feel like a parent trying to follow a toddler around the city."

She punched my arm, "Hey! I prefer the word child or little kid. I am too old to be a toddler."

I let out a breath as we climbed on my bike, with me riding behind her, "I am so going to regret this."

She smiled and started the engine, "Yes you are."

I quickly showed her the gas and the brake, "Now be careful and drive sl..."

We immediately sped off and waved through the cars. She let out a happy yell, "This is so much fun!"

I looked over at Macy, who was sitting with her tongue out enjoying the wind through her fur. We reached an intersection free of cars and she started driving in circles. She yelled out again, causing echoes throughout the buildings of the quiet city.

I laughed, "You are insane."

She looked back at me, "No! You are for giving my the keys!"

Well she had a point there.

I watched her bright eyes that were filled with excitement. The green orbs were filled with sparkles, with a big smile to match. I couldn't help but be filled with happiness too.

Who could resist being not happy when she is around?

Suddenly the bike began to slow down and make weird noises. Then, it stopped and the engine turned off. Luna looked confused, "What's wrong? Why did it stop?"

My head felt a shock.

I haven't gotten gas in a while.

I looked down at the gauge to see it was way passed the red line.

Empty. Now we have to find a station around here.

I sighed, "We need gas. Which means we are going to have to push it to a station, if we can find one."

Her eyes dimmed and she reached into the sidecar to the backpack. She pulled out the map and her eyes brightened again, "I found one. But it's pretty far... it's better than nothing though."

She gave me and smiled, picking up my mood, "Alright then... Let's get to pushing."

We both jumped off the bike and stood on side each beginning to roll the bike down the street.

This is going to take awhile.

Macy just sat in the sidecar, staring at us.

Wow, you get to sit while we do all the work. You lazy dog.

About an two hours later we finally pulled into the gas station. I stood at the screen trying to remember how to do this and of course I couldn't read anything on the screen in front of me. Luna chuckled and walked over to me, "I can read it to you, if you want?"

I nodded, "Thanks. We would be here for hours if we didn't."

"Okay... it says scan fingerprint to proceed with payment."

I lifted my hand placing it on the scanner below.

"Approved. Pick up nozzle and begin fueling."

I lifted the nozzle from the holder and unscrewed the gas cap, placing it in. I laughed, "That didn't seem too hard."

We were both still out of breath and tired from the walk over here. She looked over at the small convenient store, "Should we get some food and water? It's going to get dark soon and we need a place to stay."

The nozzle clicked and I placed it back into the holder, screwing up the gas cap, "That sounds good to me. Do you mind just staying in the store for tonight?"

"No. I don't care where we stay as long as it is warm."

I jumped onto the bike starting it up, hearing it roar to life, "Yes! We don't have to walk anymore."

I pulled it up to the front of the store as she and Macy walked over. I grabbed the backpack and jumped off the bike. I tried to door pushing it open. The bell went off as we walked in. Many of the shelves were ransacked but there was still food and no one was in sight.

Thank you. We don't have to deal with anyone.

I walked behind the counter and dropped the bag. I pulled out our blankets and laid them onto the floor, "This seems like a good place to sleep. We will be hidden if anyone walks in too."

She walked down the shelves grabbing various snacks like chips and candy, tossing them at me, "Catch!"

I looked at the familiar light blue bag of chips.


Lays Salt and Vinegar.

I lifted the bag to show her, "I approve of this choice."

She gave me a bright smile, "Now here is the real question. KitKat or Reeses?"

I scoffed, "Reeses. Obviously."

"You made the right decision," She threw a bag of Reese's at me.

Her eyes dimmed then grew wide, "They have Icees!"

I thought for a moment, "I have never had one."

"Oh my god! You are having one! The blue is the best!"

She went up to a machine with two cups and filled them to the top of the plastic domes. Putting a straw into each one she walked behind the counter and sat down on a blanket. I sat in front of her taking one of the cups. I began slurping down the cold liquid and my head started to hurt. I thought I was getting another headache but she started laughing, "Ha! You got a brain freeze! You are supposed to drink these slow."

I laughed too, "You didn't warn me."

The rest of the night was spent with us talking about random things and occasionally throwing food at each other. We went to sleep really late and curled up in our separate blankets with Macy curled at our feet.

Who knew I would ever be doing things like this in my normal life? I guess having the city to yourselves really does have it's perks. 

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