A girl

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Luna stood staring at the building for awhile, "I don't understand... why does this place seem so familiar? I am getting a weird feeling... like something is telling me to stay away."

I was off my bike by now standing next to her, "Maybe it will bring back a bad memory or something?"

She narrowed her eyes, "I still feel like I should go in..."

Without warning, she collapsed to the ground screaming. I was quick enough to catch her before her head hit the ground. I slowly sat on the ground, holding her as her eyes turned black, and her screams were getting louder. Her body was shaking in my grip, "Luna, don't worry I got you. Just calm down."

Her eyes closed and blood began dripping from her nose as her screams stopped. Her body stilled with her breathing beginning to slow like she was sleeping.

What the hell was that?!

She must have passed out. Was I like this when I passed out?

Carefully, I laid her onto the pavement so I could get a blanket from the backpack. I went back to her, holding her small body in my arms as I wrapped the blanket around us. I used the edge to wipe the blood off her face.

She will wake up soon. She is just going through a vision thing again... Yeah, that sounds okay. Everything is going to be fine.

She looked so worn down and tired. Her eyes were sunken in and her skin was almost pure white. She had a slight frown on her face that looked so foreign for a happy person like her.

She has been acting like everything is okay halftime but, she never shows how exhausted she is. She looks so tore apart.

I looked up at the small building in front of us.

What is this place? Why did it trigger her to pass out?

About an hour later she began to stir in my grip. Her eyes fluttered open. Lifting a hand she held the side of her face, "W-what happened?"

"You passed out like I did in the cafe... At least I think you did. Did you see anything?"

She noticed my grip on her and sat up, moving away from me a bit, but not too much. Her eyes widened as she looked at the building, "I have to get in there. I have to make sure Iris is okay!"

She started to getting up but fell back down holding her head, "I have to protect her."

I gently grabbed her hand, "Okay slow down a bit... who is Iris?"

She got up, releasing my hand and was successful this time, "I have to find her."

She took off running into the building, leaving me and Macy trying to catch up, "Luna hold on!"

I looked around when we got inside.

It's an apartment building.

She stood in the lobby looking around, panicked. Then, she took off running up the staircase. I followed close behind her, scared of her current state. When we reached the third floor she seemed to become more panicked as she walked up and down the halls, "Ben! I can't find #347! I can't find her! I have to find her!"

I ran up to her engulfing her in a hug, "Shh... It's okay. We will find her. I will help you. Just please take a moment to calm down."

She tensed up again but then began to calm down. I felt her frantic and fast heartbeat begin to slow down to a normal rhythm. Her breathing began to slow down too. I loosen my grip looking into her eyes, "Better?"

Sh shyly nodded, letting out a giant breath.

I moved a piece of her blonde hair from her face, "So we were looking for a girl named Iris in room #347?"

Her eyes brightened up, "Yes."

We both pulled away and began walking down the halls, looking at the door numbers. I knew I couldn't read any of them as they were just black scribbles, but I wasn't going to tell her that right now.

She needs hope.

After about ten minutes she stood in front of a door frozen, "B-Ben. I found it."

I walked over to her and gave her a warm smile, "Okay... I am here."

She rested her hand on the knob hesitantly turning it. She jumped when we heard a click of the door opening. Slowly, she pushed the door open. I peaked in with her. My eyes immediately locked onto a dark object on the ground.

It's a girl.

I got a better look as Luna ran to her, "Iris!"

She was laying ground. She looked pretty young compared to Luna judging by her height and her soft face. Her blonde hair was short, probably to her shoulders, laid out onto the floor. Then I noticed her eyes. The amber orbs were open but lifeless, as they were stuck open.


Shit... this is not happening!

Luna shook her, "Iris?"

I already knew that she wouldn't get a response but she persisted, "Iris! Please. Wake up."

I saw a few tears begin to fall from her eyes, "Ben! Help me she isn't waking up."

I slowly walked over laying a hand on her shoulder, "I am sorry Luna."

"No! She is going to wake up."

She looked towards Iris again, "Please... you have to wake up."


She let all of her tears go as she crawled closer to me. She buried her head in my neck and I wrapped my arms around her, "Ben... I can't live without her. I can't believe I didn't even remember her... and now she is gone."

I just held her, "Shh... I understand. Just let it all out."

Why the hell did this have to happen to her?!

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