The Press

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We turned the corner, now being able to see the Guards and the crowd of people behind their blockade. There was a rumble of talking as our army turned the corner too, revealing our numbers more and more. Luna kept her hand in mine and Macy rubbed up against my legs.

We are so crazy.

The Guards noticed us, thanks to all the news reporters yelling out at us. They lifted their guns up and lined up in front of the blockade, aiming at us.

How cute? They think they will be able to stop all of us.

We kept walking towards them with our heads high. One of them yelled out, "Stop! Don't come any closer or you will be fired upon!"

I whispered to Luna, "Are you sure about this?"

She glared at me and looked back at our huge mob that was now all behind us and down the street, "Everyone keep walking. We are not backing down until we are heard."

There was a slow nod of heads over everyone before she turned back around, glaring at the Guards. I nodded, "Okay. Let's do this."

We picked up the pace a little more until we got to about a hundred feet away from them. Luna looked back at everyone again, "Stop and stay here. If they attack we fight back."

She then looked at me and smiled before yelling out to the people behind the blockade, "Everyone outside of New York, we do not want to hurt anyone!"

All their faces turned to shock and they murmured among each other. I heard some of their conversations.

"They can speak?"

"Aren't those the two suspects from the bombing?"

Luna spoke again, "We did not cause this! We are here to help everyone! We have found the real people behind this... They are the ones that power those cameras you are holding. The holograms you are watching this on. The robots in your house. They are hiding right under your nose... The real suspects are Tech- Earth."

The news reporters erupted.

"You have no proof!"

"Where is your evidence?!"

"There is no way they are behind this!"

"You are just trying to protect yourselves!"

I decided to snap back, "We have gotten into their system and found everything about the bombs."

I saw Luna pulled out the tablet and swipe through the screen. She enlarged the hologram for everyone to see. I decided to keep talking, "We have found this but we are asking for your help. There is a reversal but we don't know how to get it. We are here to save the city and all these people behind us. So many have already died because of Tech- Earth and they plan on doing this again... Luna and I are different from the rest. We are immune to the gas... All you Guards if you don't trust us. Shoot... If you think we were part of this. Shoot... If you don't want to save the city. Shoot... Don't just follow orders from people who are misinformed."

One of the Guards yelled to his men, "Don't listen to them. Stand your ground and be at the ready!"

Luna spoke this time, "Shoot! Just, all I ask is that you don't hurt any of them. They don't deserve it after all they have been through."

The Guard yelled again, "Prepare to fire!"

Luna looked back at everyone, "Run. Get out of here. Be safe."

The mob took off running while Luna, Macy, and I stood our ground, staring down the guards.

She squeezed my hand tighter, "We tried. I am sorry."

I squeezed it back, "You did good. We are going down together like you said."

She nodded and smiled, seeing that the mob behind was gone and safe.

The Guard yelled out again, "Fire at will!"

The gunshots erupted everywhere. News reporters began yelling and trying to break through the blockade.

They are still using rubber bullets but this is going to hurt.

I pushed Luna behind me to shield her but bullets began hitting us both. Macy was sheltered behind us and was growling. Both of us were screaming in pain from the impact and we dropped to our knees. News reporters were now attacking the guards as we were still getting shot at. A lot of the bullets were missing us but there were still lucky ones.

Out of nowhere a group of guards drove up in a truck and one got out yelling, "Cease fire! Cease fire!"

The gunshots died down and the rebellious news reporters stopped their fighting as some were detained. The Guard that yelled the order was out of breath. He looked young and new to all of this. This was probably his first time he has even seen action, "The president wishes to speak with them. We are under orders."

Luna looked at me, "T-the pres-president want to sp-speak with us?"

We were both beaten up from all the shots that hit us. Both of us were still on our knees =, trying to catch our breaths. Spots on our skin were bright red and turning purple. Everything burned and stung. We definitely took a beating.

The Guard that ordered the shots yelled to the younger guard, "What are you talking about boy? These are the suspects."

He shook his head, "We just got a message from the Pentagon to find them for the President. The President wishes to speak to them."

The Guard opened his mouth, about to argue the younger one again but another man stepped out of the truck. He was older than all of them and was dressed in a perfectly ironed uniform. There were gold pins on his collar and his chest was covered in colorful ribbons. He had no rifle or vest on, only a small handgun in his waistband. He put on a hat and pulled at his shirt to straighten it. He looked over at the both of us, still on the ground, "Why are you two standing here while they are on the ground?"

They both looked at each of us with fear in their eyes, the older one spoke, "I am extremely sorry, sir. I will fix it right away, sir."

He turned to his men, "Men! Get these two of the ground and help them get cleaned up."

Two of the other guards nodded and began walking towards us. The man in the uniform held his hand up, "Put them in my truck. The President will be arriving soon. I will escort them myself."

They nodded and walked over to us. Macy growled but Luna patted her head, signaling her to stop. She sat down and watched the guards carefully walk closer to us. One of them knelt down, "Can you guys walk?"

I nodded and looked over to Luna, she nodded too. I began standing feeling the stinging on my skin.

These bruises are going to be nasty.

I could tell Luna was feeling the same as she gritted her teeth together when she stood. I smiled taking her hand. We both looked at the guards who nodded, "Okay then... right this way."

They looked at Macy weirdly when she began to follow us. Luna glared at them, "The dog stays with us."

The man in the neat uniform laughed, "I like how she works."

I laughed too, "Yeah but you don't have to deal with her everyday."

He smiled, he held out his hand, "General Stowe, U.S. Army."


It's a handshake stupid.

I shook his hand, "Ben Foster."

He smiled over at Luna and took her hand too, "Luna Sora."

He looked over both of us, "We better get you too cleaned up before you met the President."

Well I guess that worked.

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