The President

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We were escorted down the hallway with Macy at our side and to the door of another room. General Stowe knocked and opened the door, "Mrs. President we have Ben Foster and Luna Sora for you."

We heard a calm voice speak, "Please let them in."

The General waved us in and close the door behind us. There was a lady in her forties sitting at a desk. Her brown hair was pulled back into a bun and her dark skin looked beautiful in the light. She was wearing an outfit much like Luna's but without the ripped out shoes.


She is the first female African- American President. My dad voted for her because she was extremely against any big companies like Tech- Earth.

Her brown eyes shined when she got up from her chair. She surprised both of us when she engulfed us both into a tight hug. She released us and looked at both of us, "You poor things. I am so sorry this happened to you two."

The President actually seems to really care about us.

She looked down at Macy, rubbing her head, "Aren't you just the cutest?!"

Oh god! She acts like Luna too.

She gave us a bright smile, "Please sit and make yourselves at home. You have had a rough couple of weeks."

We both sat in the comfy chairs in front of her desk while she sat back down too, "Do you guys need anything? Food? Water?"

I shook my head, "No thank you ma'am."

Luna shook her head too, "I am good too. Thank you ma'am."

The President smiled again, "Alright before we get to business I have some things to tell you guys... Dr. Simon and Dr. Cory have been arrested, along with the other government officials. They are being tried for treason and will most likely get the death penalty... All Tech- Earth headquarters are in the process of being cleared and closed up permanently."

We both were shocked.

They work fast.

Luna looked at the floor, "Won't that cause panic? People are just going to stop using their technology and without Tech- Earth everything is gone."

She smiled, "You two have no idea the amount of change you have set in motion throughout the nation... Ever since your guys little news stunt happened an hour ago, it has been played over and over on all the TV stations. There has been reports of people destroying tablets and robots in the street or throwing them out their windows... You two have started a technology revolution... And for the point about Tech- Earth, a smaller company that has been competing with them for years has decided to help us with this transition. They will be watched carefully and I am talking to Congress about new laws to prevent something like this from ever happening again."

I decided to speak up, "What about the people outside? In the city?"

She nodded, "Now we are getting to the business part... Ben your dad and his colleagues escaped the city before the bombs hit their lab. The one problem was that everything was destroyed and they had to leave so they couldn't take much. Do you guys still have that tablet?"

Luna nodded, pulling it out of her jacket, "Yes of course."

"Perfect! They are actually just a floor down from us. They have been working trying to recreate all of their hard work but you two have now saved us time. You two have been able find this for us and they are extremely grateful that you found it... You two have saved all those people."

I was shocked, "So my dad-"

She laughed, "Is extremely excited to see you and know that you are safe. They are all eager to reverse all of this and meet you two."

Luna nearly jumped out of her chair, "Well what are we doing here?! We have a city to save!"

I shook my head, "Sorry, she is a little energetic sometimes... I have gotten a little use to it over the past few weeks."

The President laughed, standing from her chair, "I guess we should go down to their lab then."

We all went to door and Macy followed behind us. The President looked at her weird while Luna and I spoke at the same time, "The dog stay with us."

The President nodded, "Not a problem."

Luna gave a quick nod, "Good. Macy, let's go girl."

Macy glared at the President as she trotted past to get to Luna. The President leaned over to me, "Did that dog just glare at me?"

I answered her, "Yes. Yes she did. She will bite too if we need her to."

The President laughed, "Alright then I will keep note of that. Let's get going."

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