Our blood

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I gave her a big smile and wrapped my arms around her, "Luna! Oh my god, that actually worked!"

I pulled back to see the dimmed green of her eyes had completely taken over by brightness. She smirked, "I-I became a zombie and all you give me is one small kiss... you can do better."

She grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in for a longer kiss, "There. Much better."

I was shocked.

She laughed, "Hello? Earth to Ben."

I smiled and cleared my throat, "Sorry... you kind of took me by surprise."

She laughed again, "I could tell."

Macy laid her head on Luna leg letting out a grumble. Luna pet her head, "Trust me Macy. I haven't forgotten about you."

I looked down at my hands, "You really scared me Luna... I thought I lost you."

She hit my arm, "Stop it. I am back and I am not quitting on you."

I nodded my head, "So what did they do to you?"

She motioned for me to move my head closer. She whispered into my ear, "Those two crooked doctors, Dr. Cory and Dr. Simon, took me into a room then closed the door. I noticed vents everywhere then gas come out. I started choking. After it felt like I was going to die, I passed out. It was weird, when I woke up, it was like my body was doing it's own thing while I was watching from the back. When you were talking to me, I had to fight my brain to get back into control. Then I am pretty sure you know the rest..."

We were silent for a bit then I whispered into her ear, "What's the plan on getting out of here?"

She smiled, "I am one step ahead of you on that... let's just say a made other friend."

Her eyes were filled will mischievous, "I can't wait to get my hands on those two."

I wouldn't want to get in her way.

I put my heads up, "You do what you need to... just not seriously injuring or killing."

She laughed, "I am not that evil... I am just having fun and our little flowery friend gave us this."

Good to know Dr. Flora is on our side.

Out of her jacket sleeve, she showed me a little glass vile and then tucked it back up into her sleeve. I whispered, "What is that?"

She smirked and whispered, "The gas. Just enough for two people to get their brains wiped... It is a last resort of course."

I smiled, "When are we planning on doing something?"

She thought, "When there is a good opportunity, they will be here."

I nodded my head, "Sounds pretty good to me."

Luna then began to glare as she faced the hologram. I turned too, to see Dr. Simon standing there, "Oh Luna, it is so great to see you doing better. You scared us for a minute there."

She deepened her glare, "Yes... I am doing much better."

Dang, she looks like she could kill him with those eyes. I am kind of like this new Luna.

Dr. Simon shifted his feet, "That is really gre-"

She cut him off, "Stop the act. What could you possibly want from us now?"

He smirked at here, "Fine, I will stop the act... we would like to see you two in the main room to discuss some things."

Luna snapped at him, "Ah yes... discuss somethings just like last time."

Ooooooo... You get him girl.

He was thrown off and quickly turned off the hologram, "Follow me, please."

We both stood and Macy followed behind us. Dr. Simon gave a weird look which Luna found another comment for, "The dog goes with us. Deal with it."

He was thrown off again and we all walked into the main room. Everyone was at work as usual. When we walked in everyone looked up and stared at us. Again, most of them looked to the ground with a look of guilt on their faces.

Dr. Simon motioned us to sit on two stools, "Please, sit. You will probably take this news a lot better if you are sitting. We won't you guys to pass out on us."

I shook my head, "We will stand."

Luna gave me a look of approval.

I can be sassy when I want to be.

Dr. Simon let out a sigh, "Okay, well your blood tests came back and we have found some really interesting things. When we compared your blood to the blood of the people standing outside, we found your guys had a certain trait to it. It made you guys immune to the gas in a way."

Luna laughed, "That is good news. Why would we be fainting?"

He ran a hand through his hair, "Well... the thing is... how do I put this nicely?"

I chuckled, "Does it look like we want you to sugar coat it? Tell us."

He smirked, "Okay this is much easier then... your blood is the only thing that can save all those people. But the one little problem is all the blood is in you two and not in them. So, in order to get it in them, we have to drain both of you of your blood and give it to them."

Our eyes grew wide and Luna chuckled again, "So you are going to kill us?!"

"Well when you put it that way... yes... yes we are."

I could believe it, "Have you even tested this yet? Like are you sure this is the only way."

He seemed to get a little mad, "Listen don't question me. I am the scientist and I am the one who knows what I am doing. I have had years of knowledge and schooling... We will do it tomorrow. Enjoy your last night."

With that a group of scientists grabbed us and began dragging us back to our room. We both fought and thrashed our bodies in their grip but they threw us in, turning on the hologram.

What the hell have we gotten ourselves into?

Luna pushed herself up off the floor, "Okay... I am really pissed now."

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