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We have been driving to get closer to Central Park for about twenty minutes now.

Hopefully the mob is still around there, otherwise we will just be driving into a mob of Guards.

I hope this plan works. We need to find my dad and get this thing over with.

We still were trying to stay away as much as we could from their base but it was getting harder trying to find everyone. Luna was searching all the alleys we drove by, "I just saw a person to our left. Start driving over there to see if we can find anymore."

I listened, hearing a low hum echoing through the buildings, "I think they are close. Do you hear that humming noise too?"

She nodded and I felt her tighten her hold on me. I drove through the alley on to my left and looked out. To the right of us was a massive mob of people. All of them were facing away from us and all I could see was millions of heads bobbing down the street.

Damn there is a lot. Worse than the first time we saw them at the hotel.

Luna tensed up and turned to her, "What's the plan now? We found them."

She took a breath, "Start making noise and hope this works."

We both grabbed out whistles and blew them but instead of everyone running, they all turned toward us making a growling noise.


"Uh... Luna they aren't running."

All the people stared at us like they were challenging us to fight. They looked like wolves about to hunt their prey.

This is not good.

Everything was in slow motion as they ran at us, not giving me enough time to start my bike up and drive away. They were on us with in seconds, pulling us off my bike. Hands scratched and pulled at us. I screamed out in pain and I heard Luna scream too.

Why are they attacking us?!

I heard her whimpering, "W-w-why is th-this happening a-again?"

My heart broke.

I have to get to her. I can't let her get hurt. She has already been through this before. I can just imagine her last time calling for help without anyone there.

I began kicking and punching, doing anything to try to get away from the hands attacking me. I saw Luna's face through the crowd. Her face was wet with tears and bloodied up. They were pulling at her hair and clothes. I struggled more in their grip trying to get to her.

She let out a giant scream, her eyes flashing super bright, "Stop!"

Everyone froze their eyes flashing then going black. All the color was gone from their eyes as their irises were pitch black with their pupils.

What the hell?

Luna yelled out again, "Put me down!"

They obeyed, gently placing her on the ground. Her eyes widened as she looked around at them. Then she looked at me, still being held by them, with confusion.

Why are they listening to her?

She took a deep breath, "Put him down."

They obeyed her again, gently putting me on the ground. Her eyes widened and she gasped, "Everyone sit down."

Just like a wave everyone from the front began to sit down followed by everyone in the back all the way until everyone was seated on the ground. Luna looked around at all the people a least a mile down the road and filling it from one sidewalk to the other. She looked back at me with shocked eyes, "Why are they listening to me?"

I shrugged also shocked, "I don't know... this is weird."

She looked back to everyone with a smile, "Everyone stand and follow us."

They all stood, eyes locked onto her.

She smiled at me, "Well Ben... It looks like we have an army now."

I glanced over them, "It's creepy but it will definitely work against the Guards. We out number then by thousands."

We both climbed back on my bike but noticed Macy was gone.

She probably was scared with all those people.

"Macy! Where are you at girl?!"

I heard a slight barking down the street.

"Macy! Come here!"

The black dog began running towards us and jumped in her sidecar.

Well that is taken care of.

Luna patted her head. I smirked looking back at the people and chuckled to myself. Luna heard me, "What are you thinking?"

I laughed, "Well you are the one who looks like a gang leader now. You have a whole army of people following you. Should I call you Queen Luna of New York?"

She punched my arm, "At least I have people following me. All you have is a dog but even she sleeps next to me and not you."

I started my bike up, "I will kindly leave you here on the sidewalk and take the dog with me."

She laughed, "I will send all the them to get you back."

Damn it! She wins again!

I began driving slow so the giant mob would keep up, "Are they following us?"

Luna laughed, "Yup! Now time to find your dad!"

I drove a little faster but still kept a slower pace to make sure we did lose our army, "Make sure to lead me the right way. We are getting closer to Central Park and even with an army, I would like to avoid people getting hurt."

She turned around looking at everyone, "Try not to get hurt please."

I looked in my rear view mirror, seeing them all starting to nod, "Creepy."

She wrapped her arms around me, "It's kind of like having a really, really, big family or friends."

I chuckled, "Yeah... that really calms me down."

She looked back at them, "Do you think your mom is in there somewhere? Or those people that owned the house we stayed in? Or maybe that person who owned the record player?"

I shrugged, "Probably."

I hope I find my mom. If she is in there.

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