Dimmed Eyes

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We were escorted back to our room by Dr. Cory. Dr. Flora's words still floated around in my head. I could tell Luna was thinking about it too as she was stiff walking behind him.

Stay calm and look out for anything weird.

Dr. Cory left us in the room.

Luna motioned for me to get closer to her. She leaned into my ear and whispered, "She told me how to get into the computers and find your dad's information."

My eyes widened and leaned in to her ear, whispering, "She told me to be careful about who I trust and that they are watching us."

Luna nodded her head and leaned back against the wall.

I don't like any of this.

Dr. Cory came back with a tray of food, "I thought you guys might want some lunch."

Luna was good at keeping up the nice act, "Thank you Dr. Cory."

He gave a fake smile and set it down on the ground, "I hope testing wasn't too uncomfortable for you guys."

Uncomfortable is one way to put it.

I smiled back, "No, it was just fine. We are happy to help."

He gave another fake smile before disappearing once again.

Luna grabbed the tray bringing it over to me. It had two ham and cheese sandwiches, a bag of chips, and two juice boxes.

We dug into the food but I stopped when I saw Dr. Flora peeking around the corner. She smiled when Luna noticed her too. Then, we noticed the black dog at her feet.

I gasped, "Macy!"

Dr. Flora opened the hologram, allowing Macy in, "I persuaded Dr. Simon to give her to you guys... it looked like you too were missing something."

Macy ran to Luna licking her face.

Still a traitor.

Macy must have read my thoughts and jumped to me doing the same.

Luna's smile was so big, "Thank you so much. We really missed her."

Dr. Flora smiled back, "You are welcome... I have to get going now. Enjoy her, she is a very friendly dog."

She bounced off down the hallway.

I almost laughed remembering how Macy bit that guard.

Very friendly dog.

Macy made her new home laying at the foot of Luna's bed. We were both happy she was back and glad she wasn't hurt.

Luna rubbed her ears and her head, "You are such a bad ass dog Macy. The way you bit that guy's arm was so awesome. You're like our own personal guard dog."

Macy rolled on her side letting out a grumble.

I reached over and rubbed her belly, making her grumble even more.

She is still lazy.

We finished our lunch as we watched Macy sleep.

Dr. Simon showed up at our room now, "Hey you two."

We both looked up saying hello in unison.

He looked over at Macy, "What a cute dog!"

Luna nodded her head, "Yes, thank you for letting us have her back."

He nodded too, "No problem... anyways your tests came back really good. We are piecing together why you guys are different from the others."

I responded this time, "That is good. One more step closer to helping the city."

He pushed up his glasses, "Yes indeed... anyways back to business. Can I have Luna follow me into the main room for a bit?"

He gave a fake smile, "She won't be gone long. I promise."

We both tensed up.

What does he want with her? And why just her?

Luna reached over squeezed my hand, "I will be back then."

She got up and walked over to Dr. Simon and flashed me a worried look.

I nodded, "I will be here."

What I was really saying to her was I am here for you, don't worry. She seemed to understand as she gave me a quick smile.

Dr. Simon gave me another fake smile, "She will be in good hands. Don't you worry."

That made both of us worry and tense up.

Dr. Simon began walking to the main room but stopped turning down the hall, "Oh, I almost forgot we have to go that way first. Just to look over some paperwork, of course."

He had a mischievous glint in his eyes as he gave us another smile.

Luna tensed even more, giving me a really sad look. I gave her a worried smile and mouthed the words Stay strong, which she nodded to.

Stay safe Luna. Please.

I paced my room waiting for her to come back. Macy still was lying on the bed watching me. I just kept my head down, watching my feet.

Back and forth... back and forth... why did I let her go alone? I shouldn't trust them. I don't care if they are scientists. I don't like that look he gave us.

Macy's ears perked up as we heard people walking down the hall towards us.


I stopped pacing as a group of scientists approached us. They turned off the hologram, lightly pushed Luna into the room but something wasn't right.

The happy Luna I was used to stared straight ahead like I wasn't even there. Her skin wasn't as pale, as it had a pink tone to it. Her eyes were dimmed to a dark green instead of their beautiful, bright color.

What did they do to her?!

My body was filled with rage.

How dare they do anything to her!!

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