Chapter 6: Tensione

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"It's been a few days. I'm going to see her again," Ezio says, his tone assured.

"You should be careful. She warned you that she's dangerous," Leo says, picking up a piece of fruit from a food stand.

"She's listened to too many rumours about me. I just need to show her that I'm safe, that I won't seduce her." Leo shoots his friend a quick glance, and Ezio purses his lips. "Okay, I just need to show her that I'm safe. Seduction will not be the first option."

"I don't know why she's got you like this, but by the looks of it, I can't stop you." The inventor sighs. "Buona fortuna con lei, mio amico."

"And buona fortuna to you too, with whatever you do."

Ezio hugs him before joining the throng of people that always seem to be wandering the streets.

As soon as he finds Speranza, he can go join Uncle Mario, maybe take her with him, if she'd allow it.

Today, luck is not on his side. The female assassin is nowhere to be found.

She must've left the city already. I missed my chance.

He pinches the bridge of his nose, wondering what to do now.

Where would she go? Why is she so dangerous?

Why do I have so many unanswered questions for her? he thinks. You know, she may find you creepy.

"Cazzo," he grumbles.

He starts down another road, going for a loop around the city. He needs to clear his head.

Even so, his mind keeps wandering back to Speranza. He thinks of how soft her hands were when she bandaged him, how gentle and calculated her movements were, her soft spoken tone. She must've been a noblewoman at some point to act like that. He smiles a little, his pace slowing as his dark eyes scan the crowd near him.

Such lovely hair, too, he thinks. And those eyes. Golden, like straw or the sun. He glances at a woman in a purple dress as she walks by, noting that her eyes are the same colour. Exactly like her, actually, he notes.

He freezes, his eyes widening.

"Exactly like her," he repeats.

He spins around, catching sight of the woman again. He dashes forwards, weaving through the people expertly before finally wrapping his hand around her wrist and jerking her to a stop.

"Unhand me! You-" She stops as their eyes lock.

"Speranza? You're still here?" he asks, his tone still rather shocked. "You're still here," he repeats, sounding relieved.

"Ezio, silenzio. Per favore," she begs.

He looks her over. She isn't wearing her assassin clothes; instead, she wears a purple dress, much like the kind regular noblewomen wear. Her hair is tied back in a low bun, and a few strands fall from it, hanging just beside her angular cheekbones. She looks amazing.

"Why are you dressed like that?" he asks in a hushed whisper.

A few voices shout something from around the corner and her eyes widen.

"Quickly," she says.

She backs up against the wall, pulling Ezio close to her. She guides his hands to her waist, her eyes reflecting fear and hatred all at once as she looks in the direction of the voices.

"Pretend that you're kissing me."

"Mia signora..."

"Just do it," she snaps.

He leans his face closer to hers, and she places a hand underneath his hood on the back of his neck, her fingers curling themselves lightly in his shaggy hair. She presses her forehead to his, her other hand on his shoulder. Their noses touch, and Ezio tightens the grip on her waist ever so slightly. Footsteps march by, and they stay almost still as he smirks down at her, her terrified breath warm on his neck. His lips brush lightly against hers, and the footsteps fade.

She pushes him away at the last second, moving to glance around the corner.

"What was that all about?" he asks, trying not to sound as disappointed as he feels.

"I'm undercover. Templars. One of them is the man who...who..." She stops herself, biting her lip.

"Killed your father?" he finishes.

Her face twists, and she spins to face him. Even in a delicate-looking maiden's outfit, she manages to radiate fierceness.

"How do you know about that?"

"My uncle told me a few things. Severo Chilometri was your father, wasn't he?"

Her eyes fill to the brim with sorrow and she looks away. Ezio moves closer to her, noticing the tears glistening at the corners of her eyes.

"The Templars hate me, and they hate my family. And it's all because of him," she says.

"Speranza, I don't-"

"Ezio, anyone I love or care about is killed eventually. I've spent my life trying to find this man so that my endless nightmare can cease. That's why I'm dangerous. If you become near to me, you risk getting killed."

"I risk my life every day. It's normal in the life of an assassin." He reaches up, brushing away one of the tears that managed to slip down her beautiful face.

She shakes her head and steps away from him.

"Don't. Just don't. You don't know me," she says, her voice thick. "I have a battle to fight."

She rushes away, leaving Ezio alone and confused.

Buona fortuna con lei, mio amico: Good luck with her, my friend

Buona fortuna: Good luck

Cazzo: F*ck

Silenzio: Be quiet

Per favore: Please

Mia signora: My lady

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